Books written by Dale C. Allison

  • James (ICC): A Critical and Exegetical Commentary

    B. Pearson, Sense: B.W.R. Pearson, Corresponding Sense: Paul, Dialectic, and Gadamer, Leiden, 2011. J. Pearson, Critici sacri: J. Pearson, Critici sacri, vol. 7, London, Frankfurt am Main, 1660.Peck, 'James 5:1-6': G. Peck, ...

  • Testament of Abraham

    If the explicit testimony is disappointing, we can learn more from the ancient texts that appear to depend upon TA: – According to Birger Pearson, the Coptic Enoch Apocryphon catalogued as “Pierpont Morgan Library.

  • Resurrecting Jesus: The Earliest Christian Tradition and Its Interpreters

    Birger Pearson , " The Gospel according to the Jesus Seminar , ” Religion 25 ( 1995 ) : 320 ; online : . Cf. the more nuanced statements of Craig Evans , Jesus and His ...

  • Jesus of Nazareth: Millenarian Prophet

    156 Palmer , S. J. , 168n . 275 Parker , A. , 49n . 163 Patterson , S. J. , 15n . 44 , 122-29 Peabody , F. G. , 114n . 76 Pearson , B. A. , 65n . 242 , 68n . 254 , 111n . 71 Pearson , L. , 18n . 56 , Perdue , L. G. , 124n . 110 , 213n .

  • Testament of Abraham

    If the explicit testimony is disappointing , we can learn more from the ancient texts that appear to depend upon TA : According to Birger Pearson , the Coptic Enoch Apocryphon catalogued as “ Pierpont Morgan Library .

  • Constructing Jesus: Memory, Imagination, and History

    Memory, Imagination, and History Dale C. Allison ... Morton 261–62 Smoller, Laura A. 5n29 Snow, David A. 145n513 Soards, Marion L. 112n362 Spence, Jonathan D. 256n 139, 257n 140 Spencer, F. A. M. 141 n+92 Spilka, Bernard 153n551 Spong, ...

  • The Resurrection of Jesus: Apologetics, Polemics, History

    Apologetics, Polemics, History Dale C. Allison, Jr. 112 Schenke, Auferstehungsverkündigung, 99. ... 114 Cf. J. Spencer Kennard, “The Burial of Jesus,” JBL 74 (1955): 230. 115 Contrast Komarnitsky, Doubting Jesus' Resurrection, 41–2, ...

  • Matthew 8-18

    so T. R. Hobbs , 2 Kings , Word Biblical Commentary 13 , Waco , 1985 , p . 8. See further G. A. Rendsburg , ' The Mock of Baal in 1 Kings 18.27 ' , CBQ 50 ( 1988 ) , pp . 414-7 . with Satan , and Rev 12.9 arm has ' Beelzebul 10.25 195.

  • The Resurrection of Jesus: Apologetics, Polemics, History

    ... and a few months later Mason (“Parson”) Weems published a hagiographical account of the first President in which history and edifying romance are inextricable.85 Davy Crockett was, in part because of his own self-promotion, ...

  • Matthew: Volume 1: 1-7

    'How should this massive work of scholarship be assessed?

  • The New Moses: A Matthean Typology

    Tanhuma Bereshit l; “As for the Torah, humility is her imprint and Godfearingness.hercrown, ... 3:2, commented: “Moses... promised a holy land and a holy life therein under a blessing to those who kept his laws; while Jesus Christ says ...

  • Matthew 1-7

    21 these words are quoted and followed by this: 'the next day I climbed up to Ramath-Hazor and I saw the land from this height, from the river of Egypt unto Lebanon and ... 209—10) but likes oiicouuévn (Mt: l; Mk: 0; Lk: 3; Acts: 5).

  • Resurrecting Jesus: The Earliest Christian Tradition and Its Interpreters

    Examines the history of the search for the Historical Jesus and argues that Jesus was an apocalyptic prophet.

  • The Historical Jesus in Context

    It is amazingly well done and well written."--James Charlesworth, Princeton Theological Seminary "This is a great collection and would certainly be of interest to scholars and laypersons interested in the quest for the historical Jesus.

  • The Silence of Angels

    The Silence of Angels

  • Matthew: Volume 2: 8-18

    How should this massive work of scholarship be assessed?

  • The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus

    In this book, Dale Allison addresses ongoing historical-theological questions concerning Jesus Christ.

  • The Luminous Dusk: Finding God in the Deep, Still Places

    Allison's six elegant and profound essays call Christians to a life of sustained wonder, open to God and connected to the creation, a life that chooses divine ascent over culture's reflexive mediocrity.

  • Encountering Mystery: Religious Experience in a Secular Age

    See, e.g., Mario Beauregard, Brain Wars: e Scientific Battle Over the Existence of Mind and the Proof at Will ... of a Scientific Mind (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littleeld, 2015); Imants Barušs and Julia Mossbridge, Transcendent Mind: ...

  • The Sermon on the Mount: Inspiring the Moral Imagination

    Too often the Sermon on the Mount has been interpreted as though it were a book itself rather than a portion of a book. Dale Allison insists on the contrary...