Books written by Lucien Soulban

  • Tzimisce

    "Clanbook: Tzimisce includes: the practice of the modern Tzimisce, including their role as spiritual leaders of the Sabbat; material on those tainted by contact with the Tzimisce, including the revenant families and the Old Clan; unsettling ...

  • Constantinople by Night

    Constantinople by Night

  • Shades of Gray

    " Hundreds die from tainted drugs on the streets, revealing another truth behind Orpheus Group. In addition to offering new challenges and dangers, Shades of Gray introduces a new enemy responsible for the drug Pigment. But fear not.

  • Providence: The Ecology

    Providence: The Ecology

  • Aberrant: Teragen

    Gods once wielded this kind of power.

  • Hunter: Holy War

    For centuries, supernatural powers have reigned, warring among themselves, culling the human herds and lashing out from the shadows.

  • Libellus Sanguinis 4

    Dark Ages: Vampire takes you to the nights before the Camarilla, when kine truly had reason to be afraid of the dark.

  • Clanbook: Baali

    Dark Ages: Vampire takes you to the nights before the Camarilla, when kine truly had reason to be afraid of the dark.

  • Lockdown

    You can make it a background element or build an entire game where the characters are convicts! Plus, Lockdown comes with a secret: a conspiracy that could bring the prison crashing down and threaten law and order across the world!

  • Veil of Night

    Young vampires take to the field ready to claim their domain and become powerful lords in their own right. Blood calls to blood. Veil of Night is a complete guide to the medieval Islamic world and the Canities who rule its nights.

  • Playground: An Alternate Reality Adventure for Cyberpunk

    Playground: An Alternate Reality Adventure for Cyberpunk

  • Sub-Attica: An Alternate Reality Adventure for Cyberpunk

    Sub-Attica: An Alternate Reality Adventure for Cyberpunk

  • Ghost Busters

    Deadlands: The Weird West, Pinnacle's award-winning game of supernatural horror in the Old West continues to roll along.

  • Cult 6 Personality

    Aberrant: Cult of Personality details the dark secrets of the cults of the Aberrant world, from the bizarre to the deeply disturbing.

  • Urban Renewal

    The world is in ruins and the Reckoners are walking the earth, but that won't stop your hero.

  • Superteam Handbook: A Mutants and Masterminds Sourcebook

    The Superteam Handbook puts the focus on the heroes and their team, with details for players and gamemasters alike to make their team cohesive, dramatic, and fun!

  • Hero High, Revised Edition: A Mutants and Masterminds Sourcebook

    This Revised Edition updates and expands the original, making Hero High a must for any Third Edition Mutants & Masterminds campaign.

  • Cazador: guerra santa

    Cazador: guerra santa

  • Libro del clan Baali

    Libro del clan Baali

  • Les Renégats

    Tythonnia, une Robe Rouge qui n'a pas encore achevé sa formation, est envoyée en mission avec Par-Salian et Ladonna.