For one/two-semester courses in Business Law. Exceptionally comprehensive and praised for its writing style and accessibility this texts offers longer edited cases, with more of the actual language of the...
The seventh edition emphasizes coverage of online law and e-commerce as key parts of the legal environment as well as today's social, ethical, and international issues that are important to the study of business law.
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9780131496606 .
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9780130348524 .
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
The cases in this text are cutting-edge, exciting, and engaging, and the reasoning of each case is presented in the language of the court. The Eighth Edition is updated with all new cases, statutes, and features.
This book provides the richest selection of landmark (traditional) and contemporary (within the last three years) cases for business students, including more cases on information technology and e-commerce law than...
It fully integrates the AACSB curriculum standards with extensive international, ethical and critical thinking examples throughout.Cheeseman examines how the current legal environment, government regulation, and e-commerce environment ...
The text brings paralegal practice alive and illuminates the roles and tasks paralegals assume in the legal working environment.
A complete package of student and instructor supplementary materials is available with the text. Written by an award-winning author team, "The Paralegal Professional: Essentials" provides a solid introduction to the paralegal profession.
Taking this to heart, this award-winning author team has designedThe Paralegal Professional: The Essentials, 2eto build the procedural knowledge and real-world skills needed for today’s paralegal.
Check with the seller prior to purchase. -- This is a student supplement associated with: Goldman / Cheeseman: THE PARALEGAL PROFESSIONAL, 3/e ISBN: 0135063922
New video case studies and Paralegals in Practice boxes bring the world of the paralegal closer to the classroom. 0133058948 / 9780133058949 Paralegal Professional, The Plus NEW MyLegalStudiesLab and Virtual Law Office Experience with ...
The cases in this text are cutting-edge, exciting, and engaging, and the reasoning of each case is presented in the language of the court.
For courses in Legal Environment of Business. This best-selling text focuses on how the legal environment impacts business decisions, representing the single most up-to-date book available for the Legal Environment course.
The cases in this text are cutting-edge, exciting, and engaging, and the reasoning of each case is presented in the language of the court.
The cases in this text are cutting-edge, exciting, and engaging, and the reasoning of each case is presented in the language of the court.
The cases in this text are cutting-edge, exciting, and engaging, and the reasoning of each case is presented in the language of the court.
For Legal Environment of Business courses. This best-selling text focuses on how the legal environment impacts business decisions. This text represents the single most up-to-date book available for the Legal Environment course.
Focusing on the what, why, and how of employment and labor law in the context of business management, Contemporary Employment Law brings remarkable clarity, scope, and depth to its subject.