Books written by Gerard Magill

  • Contemporary Catholic Health Care Ethics, Second Edition

    This teaching was changed when Bert Cunningham, a student of moral theology at The Catholic University of America, suggested that the mystical body of Christ might serve as the basis for a wider interpretation of“totality” (Cunningham ...

  • Genetics and Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Study

    The genetics revolution that began with the discovery of DNA fifty years ago has transformed the science of biology. It has given us unprecedented power over life itself in the...

  • Integral Ecology: Protecting Our Common Home

    This edited book is a collection of essays presented at the 2nd annual Integrity of Creation Conference at Duquesne University, USA, and thus represents the 2nd Conference Proceedings of an annual endowed series.

  • Governance Ethics in Healthcare Organizations

    This book is an important read for all those interested in healthcare management, corporate governance and healthcare ethics, including academics, students and practitioners.

  • Contemporary Catholic Health Care Ethics: , Second Edition

    Noted bioethicists Gerard Magill, Henk ten Have, and David F. Kelly contribute diverse backgrounds and experience that inform the richness of new material covered in this second edition.

  • Cascading Challenges in the Global Water Crisis

    In, T. L. Winright, Green Discipleship: Catholic Theological Ethics and the Environment. Winona, MN: Anselm Academic. Miller, K. A. et al, eds. 2018. Water Policy and Planning in a Variable and Changing Climate.

  • Toward a Healthy Planet

    This volume addresses emerging concerns and pivotal problems about our planet’s environment and ecology.

  • The Global Sustainability Challenge

    ... The Global Community and The Need for Universal Responsibility.” Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive. See, Dalai Lama, 14th. 2008. “Universal Responsibility in ...