Books written by Alan Pierce

  • Transcontinental Railroad

    More white settlers followed the rails west. As more whites moved to the plains, the U.S. government continued placing Native Americans on reservations. By 1890, Native Americans had lost even the hunting grounds that had been promised ...

  • Assassination Of Martin Luther King, Jr

    Meanwhile, James Lawson invited King to come to Memphis to support striking sanitation workers. Lawson was King's friend and a pastor at a Methodist church in Memphis. King agreed to help. The workers were the kind of people the Poor ...

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    An African-American barber named Gardner Bishop had organized a student boycott of an Africa-American junior high school. Bishop was upset that the school was overcrowded while white schools had plenty of space for students.

  • Pony Express

    The firm of Russell, Majors, and Waddell used wagons pulled by oxen to deliver supplies to U.S. army forts. This company was formed by William R. Russell, Alexander Majors, and William B. Waddell. Each business partner carried out a ...

  • Miracle On Ice

    BROOKS. During this time of national discouragement, coaches and athletes prepared for the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. Among those getting ready for the games was Herb Brooks, head coach of the U.S. Olympic hockey team.

  • Miracle on Ice

    Discusses defining moments in American history.

  • Underground Railroad

    In Southampton County, Virginia, a slave named Nat Turner believed that he had a great destiny. In the 1820s, he experienced mystical visions. He interpreted these visions to mean that he should carry out a slave uprising.

  • Reconstruction

    During the performance, a man named John Wilkes Booth shot the president in the head. Booth was a fierce supporter of the Confederacy. He broke a leg while fleeing, but managed to escape. Lincoln was taken to a nearby lodging house ...

  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Discusses defining moments in American history.

  • Apollo 13

    Discusses defining moments in American history.

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Provides an overview of the history surrounding the Louisiana Purchase.

  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Discusses defining moments in American history.

  • Beyond Timber: Certification and Management of Non-timber Forest Products

    ... “community forest management projects often try selling whatever they produce and not the other way around – what the ... could help to distinguish reputable companies from companies that engage in unsubstantiated marketing hype, ...

  • Breaking the Sound Barrier

    Traces the development of supersonic aerodynamics and the breaking of the sound barrier.

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Discusses defining moments in American history.

  • Trail Of Tears

    Discusses defining moments in American history.

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Discusses defining moments in American history.

  • Trail Of Tears

    Discusses defining moments in American history.