Books written by Peter Ladefoged

  • Preliminaries to Linguistic Phonetics

    Halle , Morris , and K. N. Stevens . 1971. A note on laryngeal features . Quarterly Progress Report of the Research ... Heffner , R - M . S. 1950. General phonetics . ... Jakobson , Roman , C. Gunnar M. Fant , and Morris Halle . 1952.

  • Vowels and Consonants

    Other commentators who gave generously of their time and expertise this time around were (in alphabetical order): Elaine Andersen, Sharon Ash, Roy Becker, Catherine Best, Tim Bunnell, Dani Byrd, Christina Esposito, Sean Fulop, ...

  • A Course in Phonetics

    With its reader-friendly writing style, the book introduces concepts of speech production, describes speech in acoustic terms, and teaches practical phonetic skills, including IPA transcription.

  • Vowels and Consonants

    Vowels and Consonants explores a wide range of topics, including the main forces operating on the sounds of languages; the acoustic, articulatory, and perceptual components of speech; and the inner workings of the most modern text-to-speech ...

  • The Sounds of the World's Languages

    This book describes all the known ways in which the sounds of the world's languages differ.

  • Vowels and Consonants

    Important topics covered in Vowels and Consonants include: The main forces operating on the sounds of languages The acoustic components of speech and speech synthesis Computers and Text-To-Speech systems and speech recognition systems ...

  • Preliminaries to Linguistic Phonetics

    This book is about some of the phonetic events that occur in the languages of the world. The data described consist mainly of contrasts observable at the systematic phonetic level in a wide variety of languages.

  • Vowels and Consonants: An Introduction to the Sounds of Languages

    This is an introductory book on phonetics that will enable readers to go on to read The Sounds of the World's Languages (Blackwell 1996) by Peter Ladefoged and Ian Maddieson, and other more advanced books on phonetics and phonology.

  • A Course in Phonetics

    With its reader-friendly writing style, the book introduces concepts of speech production, describes speech in acoustic terms, and teaches practical phonetic skills, including IPA transcription.

  • A Course in Phonetics

    The easy to understand approach builds on the basics, beginning with technical terms required for describing speech and transcription symbols before moving on to the phonetics of English and other...