Books written by John E. Richardson

  • Business Ethics 08/09

    ... Senior Developmental Editor Jay Oberbroeckling , Developmental Editor Bonnie Coakley , Editorial Assistant MARKETING STAFF Beth Kundert , Production Manager Trish Mish , Production Assistant Jade Benedict , Production Assistant Kari ...

  • Foundation Studies for Caring: Using Student-Centred Learning

    Pearson, P. H. (1983) 'The interdisciplinary team process or the professional's Tower of Babel, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 25(3), 390–5. Power, M. L., Cross, S. P, Roberts, S. and Tyrrell, P. J. (2007) "Evaluation of a ...

  • Business Ethics: 1999-2000 Edition

    Wells , pump purported to be of the same caliber , of the entire federal budget is lost to fraud . a self - employed dealer in medical equipment he claims . And by inflating the Medicare reIn July 1995 the federal government took for ...

  • Marketing, 1996-1997

    Lorraine Miller , too , holds in - house seminars for her 30person staff One month the seminar is about “ the ... All customers have good ideas about what they want , ” says Ron Jackson , founder and CEO of Contract Manufacturers .

  • (Mis)representing Islam: The Racism and Rhetoric of British Broadsheet Newspapers

    American television viewers saw Pentagon videotape of a ' bunker buster smashing its way through four walls of concrete before exploding . First , the obvious conclusion that we are meant to come to in reading these two sentences ...

  • Marketing

    Why the generosity ? IBM believes that by helping to create technology ecosystems , it will benefit in the long run . “ We want to do things that encourage markets to grow , ” says Dr. John E. Kelly III , senior vice - president for ...

  • Annual Editions: Marketing 07/08

    Marketing 07/08 John E. Richardson. Reprinted by special permission from Business Week , April 24 , 2006 , pp . ... “ We want to do things that encourage markets to grow , ” says Dr. John E. Kelly III , senior vice - president for ...

  • Marketing

    Source : Dean Witter Reynolds C features key taste attributes and a consumer profile that provides clearly superior advantages against Pepsi , ” he said . Mr. Mellett says he agrees . But he recognizes that for now whatever successes ...

  • Marketing: 1999-2000 Edition

    ... 82 FUD factor , 85 future market , for children , 120-121 G Mandelbaum , Fern , 107 marketing plans , 134-142 ... ethical behavior in sales and , 80–87 Knight , Julia , 106 Kodak , 100 , 127 , 161 Kolp , Peter J. , 166 Kruskie ...

  • Marketing 97/98

    Further , he notes , travel Sedgwick's services to include fast , operations are called for , but ar- agents are beginning to realize that customized solutions to clients ' gues that what is defined as qual- advances in information ...

  • Marketing 05/06

    2001 by Primedia Business Magazines and Media , Inc. All rights reserved . ... Its proprietary “ Active Buyer's Guide ” is a powerful research tool for marketers , disguised as a shopping search engine for consumers .

  • Annual Editions: Marketing 03/04

    One research firm taking conjoint analysis a step further on the Web is Burlingame , California - based Active Research . Its proprietary “ Active Buyer's Guide ” is a powerful research tool for marketers , disguised as a shopping ...

  • The Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies

    Our students inevitably go into other applied spaces of work, and hopefully with the critiques/insights learned through their studies. This is not a disingenuous defence of our scholarly ... Kleppner's advertising procedure, 13th edn.

  • Annual Editions: Marketing 04/05

    The articles selected for this twenty-sixth edition of Annual Editions: Marketing, address marketing theory and application in a wide range of industries.

  • Analysing Fascist Discourse: European Fascism in Talk and Text

    Through discourse analysis examples of fascism in Europe in the 20th century and through to today, this book reflects the range of these debates, and argues that a more context-sensitive approach is required.

  • The Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies

    The Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies provides a state-of-the-art overview of the important and rapidly developing field of Critical Discourse Studies (CDS).

  • The Effects of Media Violence on Children: A Background Paper

    This document discusses the effects of exposure to media violence on children. There is a large body of research that documents the way in which exposure to television influences children,...

  • Analysing Newspapers: An Approach from Critical Discourse Analysis

    This book offers both an understanding of newspaper reporting and a means for readers to develop their own critical analysis.

  • Muslims and the News Media

    Muslims have featured in many of the more significant news stories of the past few years - yet shockingly very few of these stories have been about anything other than the 'war on terror'.

  • Analysing Media Discourses

    ... The Fisher Lass is working as a packer whilst female figures gut fish in the background, precluding her from a gutting role within the crew. The image of The Shimmer of the Herring is without any depiction of herring innards, yet mess ...