Books written by Arthur Slade

  • La cité bleue d'Icaria

    Arthur Slade signe avec La Cité bleue d'Icaria un magnifique roman d'aventures, mèlant l'univers du XIXe siècle avec des avancées technologiques modernes. Traduit de l'anglais (Canada) par Marie Cambolieu

  • Flickers

    A movie scream so piercing, so chilling and so powerful, it will open up another dimension and summon something beyond all imagining . . . Far from the isolated prairie...

  • Island of Doom

    This final adventure finds our hero, shape-shifting, masked spy Modo, on his most personal quest.

  • Island of Doom: Hunchback Assignments 4

    After previous assignments in London, the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, and the Australian rain forest, this final adventure in the Hunchback Assignments series finds our hero, shape-shifting, masked spy Modo, on his most personal quest.

  • Flickers

    Flickers is--forgive me--screamingly good." -- Hadley Dyer, Author of Johnny Kellock Died Today "I read 52 books over the past 3 months and this was the top fiction read. This is an incredible story so give it a try!