Books written by Michael Allaby

  • A Dictionary of Plant Sciences

    They are bright green to yellowish-green, and glossy. bracken See PTERIDIUM. bracket fungus Any one of a large group of fungi (order Aphyllophorales), many of which produce fruiting bodies that project from the trunks of trees.

  • A Complete Visual Guide

    An encyclopedia that presents the information about planet Earth.

  • Koiraperheen elämää

    Koiraperheen elämää

  • Floods

    H + H + H + H + O - O - O - hydrogen bond hydrogen bond The hydrogen bond. Attraction between the positive charge on the hydrogen atoms and the negative charge on oxy- gen atoms forms bonds that link water molecules. are filled with air ...

  • Ecology: Plants, Animals, and the Environment

    He was correct, and when Banks threatened to withdraw from the mission, taking all his staff with him, the Admiralty permitted him to do so, appointing the two Forsters in his place. at is how Johann and Georg Forster came to sail to ...

  • The Dictionary of Science for Gardeners: 6000 Scientific Terms Explored and Explained

    Carduelis chloris (European greenfinch, greenfinch) A bird that is about 150 mm long with a wingspan of 245–275 mm, and mainly green with some yellow in its tail and wings. It inhabits woodland edges, hedgerows, and gardens, ...

  • Basics of Environmental Science

    Plate tectonics exerts a very longterm influence, of course, and other factors modify climates in the shorter term, but the distribution of land and sea determines the overall types of climate the world is likely to have (HAMBREY AND ...

  • A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences

    ... about one of the 'Lagrangian libration points, eventually into a heliocentric orbit ahead of Earth that would intersect the comet 'Giacobini—Zinner, at which point the spacecraft was renamed International Cometary Explorer (ICE).

  • Basics of Environmental Science

    Donahue, Roy L., Miller, Raymond W., and Shickluna, John C. 1958. ... Lave, Lester B., Hendrickson, Chris T., and McMichael, Francis Clay. 1995. ... 'Fertilizer nutrients as contaminants in water supplies,' in Brady, Nyle C. (ed.) ...

  • Deserts and Semi-Deserts

    There are deserts on every continent, from the sun-baked heart of Africa to the chilly plains of northern China. Together, they make up one of the Earth's largest biomes. [back cover].

  • Deserts and Semi-deserts

    A comprehensive look at the desert and semidesert biomes, examining their climate, plants, animals, people, and future, plus detailed views of some famous or important desert locations.

  • Deserts and Semideserts

    Deserts of the world - Sonoran desert - Atacama - Desert plants - Kalahari and Namib - Desert animals - Sahara - Gobi and Takla Makan.

  • Visual Encyclopedia of Earth

    ( Japan ) Syowa ( Japan ) Mizuho ( Japan ) Queen Maud Land 75 ° Ender bÝ Molodezhnaya ( Russia ) Land 60 ° Law Promontory E a 65 ° Kemp 80 ° t Land Mawson ( Australia ) Ma This pair of wandering albatrosses perform a courtship " dance .

  • Droughts

    C l a i m e d b y A r g e n t i n a L I A N TT EE RR N O R W E G I A N D E P E N D E N C Y HHH T E Y Claimed by Chile T E R R I T O R Y R O S S DEPENDENCY (NEW ZEALAND) A U S TT RR AA L I A NN F Leningradskaya (Russia) Mawson Mawson ...

  • A Change in the Weather

    Ocean gyres and boundary currents 25 Why the Arctic is warmer than the Antarctic A N T E N O R W E G I A N D E P E Claimed by Chile T E R R I T O R R OS S DE PE NDENC Y (N- Z) S T R A L I A N Leningradskaya (Russia) Mawson (Australia) ...

  • Exploration: New Lands, New Worlds

    The Sputnik program spurred the United States to better the Soviet achievement, but on April 12, 1961, Senior Lieutenant Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin (1934–68), a fighter pilot in the Soviet air force, became the first human to orbit ...

  • Deserts

    Lawrence of Arabia Thomas Edward Lawrence (1888–1935) was born on August 15, 1888, at Tremadoc, Caernarfon, Wales. His family moved to Oxford in 1896, and Thomas attended school in that city and completed his education at Jesus College, ...

  • Children's Encyclopedia of Earth

    This indispensable book introduces the latest thinking on all aspects of Earth science, from the formation of the planet to the ever-changing patterns of life on Earth. subject areas include: Earth's history, planet Earth, inside Earth, ...

  • The Encyclopedia Of Earth ; a Complete Visual Guide

    The Encyclopedia Of Earth ; a Complete Visual Guide

  • Tropical Forests

    Walker circulation Sir Gilbert Walker (1868–1958) was a British meteorologist, at one time head of the Indian Meteorological Service, who made a close study of the Indian monsoons. This led him to a wider study of tropical climates, ...