TM: over het ontdekken van innerlijke energie en het oplossen van spanningen
... 253 Lehn , Jean Marie , 234 Leonardo da Vinci , 122 , 230 Lesourd , Homer , 192 Lewin , Ann , 376 Lichtenstein ... 142 Massenet , Jules , 88 Matthews , Paul , 375 Mauderli , Laurence , 378 May , Alexandra Snyder ( granddaughter ) ...
R. Buckminster Fuller on Education
In this companion volume to the "visual reader" Your Private Sky: R. Buckminster Fuller; The Art of Design Science Fuller is heard primarily through his own writings, in which he expounded his world view and his ideas about design.
Buckminster Fuller to Children of Earth
The Buckminster Fuller Reader
From his geodesic dome to books popularizing the terms “spaceship earth” and “synergetics,” the life mission of R. Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983) was to create living environments that minimized consumption of...
That many of Buckminster Fuller's schemes remained dreams overlooks his importance as a teacher and thinker about architecture and urbanism, and his concern with the environment and the role of...
If R. Buckminster Fuller had been pulling the strings of corporate America, it's possible we would be living in a world of three-wheel cars, aluminum houses, and domed cities.Fuller never...
Despite materialist-chisellers' continual manipulations, life has been intuitively and unconsciously evolving its own emancipation along the route of chance-happenings. The chisellers' moments of highest apparent gain have always, ...
Concerned with the origins and development of the Dymaxion House project as well as Fuller's public persona, the author uses Buckminster Fuller's archives, particularly the multivolume "Chronofile" to construct a history parallel to the ...
The Buckminster Fuller Reader
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
Here Buckminster Fuller takes on the gigantic corporate megaliths that exert increasing control over every aspect of daily life.
The Artifacts of R. Buckminster Fuller: A Comprehensive Collection of His Designs and Drawings in Four Volumes
Dieses Buch ergAnzt den Band "Your Private Sky: Design als Kunst einer Wissenschaft" und gibt einen authentischen Einblick in die Entwicklung der architektonischen, technischen und anthropologischen Konzepte Fullers.
R. Buckminster Fuller (1895a "1983) was an architect, engineer, geometrician, cartographer, philosopher, futurist, inventor of the famous geodesic dome, and one of the most brilliant thinkers of his time. For...
The book that resulted provides the most straightforward exposition of his radical world view and a loveable personal portrait.
During a day spent with three children--one tenand two twelve-year-olds--inventor Buckminster Fuller talks about the universe and how it works and answers the children's wide-ranging questions
Nine Chains to the Moon