Books written by Robert Gittings

  • Selected Poems and Letters of Keats

    John Keats, Robert Gittings Sandra Anstey. Four of the group of odes noted above use ten - line stanzas which incorporate features of the sonnet ( quatrain and sestet ) ; To Autumn with its eleven - line pattern establishes similar ...

  • The Second Mrs. Hardy

    G. Moore , Hail and Farewell , II , 115-16 . 17. The Irish Times , 15 October 1910 , 12 . 18. Florence Dugdale to Emma Hardy , 11 December 1910 . 19. Author , later Mrs. G. T. Huntington . 20. Florence Hardy to Rebekah Owen ...

  • The Second Mrs. Hardy

    The Second Mrs. Hardy

  • Claire Clairmont and the Shelleys 1798-1879

    This acclaimed biography of Claire Clairmont, stepsister of Mary Shelley and mother of Byron's daughter Allegra, draws on her vivid letters and journals to portray a women of talent and...

  • Matters of Love and Death

    Matters of Love and Death