Books written by Ronald Gray

  • German Poetry: A Guide to Free Appreciation

    ( b ) is a version found among the papers of Charlotte von Stein , and is thought by some to have been written by her after Goethe had suddenly left , since it bears the title ' An den Mond . Nach meiner Manier ' , and the contents ...

  • An Introduction to German Poetry

    (b) is a version found among the papers of Charlotte von Stein, and is thought by some to have been written by her after Goethe had suddenly left, since it bears the title “An den Mond. Nach meiner Manier', and the contents speak of a ...

  • Goethe: A Critical Introduction

    ... 159 , 162 , 167 , 221-4 , 226 , Propertius , 3 , 13 , 203 230 puppets , 99 Stein , Charlotte von , 3 , 9 , 10 , 34-5 , 101 , Pushkin , 18 102 , 104 , 106 , 110 , 115 , 163 , 189 , 226 , Pyritz , H. , viii 276 , 277 , 278 , 282 Stein ...

  • The German Tradition in Literature 1871-1945

    Yet , as the story unfolds , we perceive that the Buddenbrook ideal is nakedly egocentric : it is to exploit the situation without shame ' , to jib at nothing that will maintain the family's position in society .

  • Brecht: The Dramatist

    In this 1976 introduction to Brecht's theatre and theory, Ronald Gray explores the dramatist's interacting roles as a committed Marxist seeking to influence audiences and as one of the most innovative craftsmen ever to work in the theatre.

  • Brecht: The Dramatist

    In this 1976 introduction to Brecht's theatre and theory, Ronald Gray explores the dramatist's interacting roles as a committed Marxist seeking to influence audiences and as one of the most innovative craftsmen ever to work in the theatre.

  • Cambridge Street-Names: Their Origins and Associations

    Ena Mitchell has shown in Notes on the History of Parker's Piece , Cambridge ( no date ) , how successive generations have enclosed ' waste land in this area for private use . Nicholas FERRAR ( 1592–1637 ) of Clare College established ...

  • Hitler y los alemanes

    ... FINAL . te to 結荣军事主察家本¥影事 SCHWETU NEUEZ DEUTSCHER VERLALU BERLIN W # A # GANG N ## 1932 El crack de Wall Street ... Ambos decían que hacía falta una dictadura pero , aunque en esto estaban de acuerdo , en todo lo demás los ...

  • Franz Kafka

    This 1973 text provides a critical introduction to the writings of Franz Kafka. Within it Ronald Gray surveys the novels and short stories, and glances also at the religious or confessional writings.

  • My Call IV: The Origin of Mr. Bones

    Let's find out about this entity. Is he just the character that caused Ronald Emmanuel O'Neil and his entire family so much pain and suffering along with countless others in My Call I, II, III.

  • The German Tradition in Literature 1871-1945

    In short, did the main literary tradition help to create an atmosphere in which the tyranny of 1933 to 1945 could establish itself. In this 1965 text, Dr Gray uses a combination of broad survey and detailed analysis.

  • Shakespeare on Love: The Sonnets and Plays in Relation to Plato’s Symposium, Alchemy, Christianity and Renaissance Neo-Platonism

    Dr Ronald Gray, Fellow of Emmanuel College, lectured at Cambridge University on German Literature and Philosophy for 33 years, and now expands his article, “Will in the Universe: Shakespeare’s Sonnets, Plato’s Symposium, Alchemy and ...

  • This Way to Glory: One Man's Account of the Civil War

    This Way to Glory: One Man's Account of the Civil War