Books written by Billie Hunter

  • Nursing and Midwifery in Britain Since 1700

    S. Nelson, Say Little, Do Much: Nursing, Nuns and Hospitals in the Nineteenth Century (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001) p. 56. 13. Nelson, Say Little, pp. 60–5. On Catholic communities, see also: C. Mangion, ...

  • Supporting Women for Labour and Birth: A Thoughtful Guide

    As one woman put it: 'It was like someone sharing their holiday snaps and we were able to have a good look and ask questions about what happened'. Box 4.18 Reflective Activity: Using birth photos in groups If you do not have labour and ...

  • Emotions in Midwifery and Reproduction

    ... because of the enjoyment of 'trying again'; or that all they needed to become pregnant was to relax or maybe have a good holiday. The remarks were intended to give a positive slant to the loss, but were hurtful.

  • Emotions in Midwifery and Reproduction

    Mothers took their cues from midwives, while midwives were intent upon 'jollying women along the maternity trajectory that has been mapped ... As early as 1980 Ann Thompson observed of midwives, 'We have become assembly line workers .

  • Supporting Women for Labour and Birth: A Thoughtful Guide

    Births involving epidurals are not always straightforward, however, and women's requests for an epidural may present dilemmas for the midwife, particularly if a woman has previously said that she does not want an epidural under any ...

  • Nursing and Midwifery in Britain Since 1700

    A stimulating collection of research-based essays, this book explores and compares the distinct histories of nursing and midwifery in Britain from the beginning of the eighteenth century to the modern day.

  • The Midwife's Tale: An Oral History from Handywoman to Professional Midwife

    An Oral History from Handywoman to Professional Midwife Nicky Leap, Billie Hunter ... Borsay A., Hunter B. (Eds) (2012) Nursing and Midwifery in Britain since 1700. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 8. Department of Health. (1993).

  • Supporting Women for Labour and Birth: A Thoughtful Guide

    These are used to illustrate a range of situations where the quality of support is central to the quality of the experience and outcome.