Books written by Allan Hall

  • The World's Greatest Secrets

    The World's Greatest Secrets

  • Secrets of the Stars

    A collection of brief biographical essays on entertainment personalities, focusing on little known on sensational aspects of their life & career.

  • Nosut'uradamusu ui chinsil. Nostradamus: the secret revelations

    Nosut'uradamusu ui chinsil. Nostradamus: the secret revelations

  • Getting Started: Visual Astronomy

    This beginner's guide covers all aspects of getting started with astronomy.

  • War Crimes & Terror

    War Crimes & Terror

  • Killing and Crime

    Looks at classic modern examples of crime from serial killers to modern Mafia godfathers.

  • Evil Women

    Introduces eight infamous women, from the last Empress of China to a suburban Texan housewife, and their wicked crimes.

  • Real Life Crime Scene Investigation

    Looks at the vital evidence that can be deducted from laboratory research and DNA evidence. This book gives details of the use or early forensic knowledge right up to the innovative methods used today.

  • Encyclopedia of the Unexplained

    Encyclopedia of the Unexplained

  • Rescue!

    Looks at some of the most daring rescues and rescuers in all corners of the globe

  • Marvels and Mysteries of the Unexplained

    Marvels and Mysteries of the Unexplained

  • Nostradamus: Visions of the Future

    Nostradamus correctly predicted significant world events like the rise and fall of Hitler, the execution of Charles I and the assassinations of the Kennedys.

  • Abuse of Trust

    Profiles of J. Edgar Hoover, Papa Doc (Duvalier), The Junta (Argentina), The Eastern Bloc (The Soviet Union, Nicolae Ceaucescu's Romania, and the fall of the Berlin Wall), U.S. scandals (Watergate, Iran-Contra, and presidential scandals), ...

  • Prime Suspect

    A fascinating look at some of the crimes of the century and at the advances in detective methods that have put dangerous individuals behind bars.

  • Good Wine Guide: 1978

    Good Wine Guide: 1978

  • Nostradamus and Visions of the Future

    Predictions of Nostradamus - Other prophets and psychics including St Malachy, Mother Shipton, John Dee, Cagliostro, Wolf Messing, Karl Ernest Krafft, Joan Quigley, J. Z. Knight and Jack Pursel, Jeane Dixon.

  • Nostradamus and Visions of the Future

    This dual aspect of his vision is most important when interpreting the centuries . ' Nostradamus also relied heavily on the impressive library he had built up , containing many rare books and manuscripts on the occult .

  • Advanced Baofeng UV-5R: Pushing Your Radio Further

    Enjoy doing things yourself instead of buying pre-made solutions? Like to tinker and disassemble things? Then this is the book for you!You won't find instructions on how to turn your radio on, or do simple programming from the keypad.

  • Messier Astrophotography Reference

    Shooting the Messier objects is a fantastic way to start or continue your astrophotography pursuits, and this book can help make that experience easier and more enjoyable.

  • The World’s Most Shocking Secrets and Mysteries

    This compelling volume allows readers to peer into the uncovering of state and military secrets such as Watergate, North Korea_s purported nuclear bomb testing, and Wikileaks, as well as true crime cases, such as the search for the ...