Books written by Lynda Trent

  • The Fire Within

    Megan hurriedly finished her bath and dressed in her brown wool dress, her heaviest stockings and her warmest shoes. She unbraided her long hair and brushed it until it lay in smooth waves on her shoulders. Was it possible, she wondered ...

  • The Gift of Summer

    “ Do you still have that brown horse ? ” “ I do for a fact . He should be out there in the feed lot . " " If I could borrow him , I wouldn't have to go back to my place for my truck . " “ Go right ahead . You'll find the saddle and ...

  • Follow Your Heart

    Grace held her hand in the air until Bridget could estimate the height in inches . “ Ben is this tall . They both have brown hair and brown eyes . " “ Is their hair dark or light brown ? ” ' " Medium . ” Amaris spoke up .

  • Shining Nights

    She wore her oldest dress of brown wool , and once in among the trees , she blended with them as well as did the sparrows . At one time the skirt had been worked with yellow threads , but after hours of scrubbing floors and kneeling by ...

  • Winter Roses

    “ Somewhere near Hendersonville . He's going to drive me up . ” “ Oh ? ” Celia looked up with interest . “ What's he look like ? ” To her dismay , Haley felt a blush pinking her cheeks . “ Just average . Brown hair ...

  • Like Strangers

    He wasn't easily recognizable , and for a minute she had thought she must be mistaken , for his dark brown hair was long and shaggy , and a dark beard covered most of his face . Only his brown eyes were familiar .

  • Another Rainbow

    Little brown jugs . " The tiny brown flowers grew like a group of fairy jugs on the loamy ground . “ I'm surprised to see any so early in the year . " “ You love the woods , don't you ? I can't imagine you in a city .

  • The Master's Touch

    Her black hair was braided in a neat coronet and her golden - brown eyes were worried . “ Already ? It's sold already ? ” “ Yes , that's right . I sold it to a man passing through on his way to London . But that's not the best news !

  • Wyndfell

    twenty years her senior , his light brown hair was scarcely touched with silver , his long face virtually unlined by the passing years or by concern . Theirs had been a love match - a rarity for the time — and for the past three years ...

  • The Black Hawk

    His penetrating , intelligent eyes were a deep brown . For an instant she found herself wondering what it would be like to be in his embrace . Past the pulse racing in her throat , she managed to say , “ May I give Father a message ?

  • Trick Or Treat

    Tall , thin , with long brown hair and mild brown eyes , his face was unlined , but his gaze held the wisdom of centuries . “ Jack Keegan . ” Though the words were not a question , Jack felt a need to answer . “ Yes .

  • Opal Fires

    Her small waist was encircled with a tie belt of the same fabric . Her hair was piled on top of her head in a seemingly innocent tumble of glistening brown waves that accented her large eyes and delicately pointed chin .

  • Repeat Performance

    And he had not yet caught so much as a glimpse of Carley Kingston . Jordan closed the closet door . Carley Kingston . What memories the mere thought of her name evoked - luxurious red - brown hair , laughing brown eyes , freckles that ...

  • Willow Wind

    What about Abner Brown , who's too tall and too broad to buy rack clothes ? ” “ Mrs. Brown makes all his suits and has for years . I know because I special - order fabric for her whenever she makes him a new outfit .

  • Harlequin Historical Christmas Stories, 1991

    Wear the little brown hat trimmed in pheasant feathers . The one I made to go with your eyes . ” “ And brown gloves , of course , ” Zenobia put in . “ Of course . " Cecilia smiled at her sister . “ All right .

  • Castles in the Sand

    By scraping the white meat out of a coconut , Joel fashioned a pot for water , and after a few experiments , he found a way to hear the water without cracking the shell . Then he plopped in a handful of the brown roots he had dug up ...

  • Beloved Wife

    Her hair had too much red in it , no matter what he had said that night , and her eyes were an uncompromising brown - no interesting gold or green flecks , just brown . She had no idea why the reminder of those things had the power to ...

  • Embrace the Wind

    He went to one of the seal - brown mules and unstrapped a bundle . " I brought you a gift . ” Her eyes lit with pleasure . Quickly her fingers released the twine and she tossed him a dimpled smile as she unwrapped the heavy , brown ...

  • Beguiling Ways

    Heather was deposited with Katie's friend while Caprice showered and put on the brown and white uniform . She looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head . Because she was slimmer than Jo Nell , the uniform bunched around her ...

  • Embrace the Storm

    Charley slid off his bareback horse and dusted the brown and white hairs from his grimy leather trousers . He wore a fringed shirt made of buckskin that looked scratchy and very weatherworn . Over this was draped a wool poncho with ...