Books written by Vladimir Nabokov

  • Curso de literatura europea

    ... cuando Crawford lee algunos pasajes de Enrique VIII; naturalmente, una de las obras más mediocres de Shakespeare. ... ha sido ordenado ya) en la conversación de los dos hombres sobre el arte de leer y el de pronunciar sermones.

  • Curso de literatura rusa

    MASHA: Cuando lee algo en voz alta, los ojos le brillan y se pone pálido. Tiene una voz maravillosa y triste, y sus ademanes son los de un ... MASHA (levantándose): Ya debe ser hora de almorzar. (Echa a andar con paso perezoso y lento.) ...

  • Curso sobre El Quijote

    Ormsby, en el prólogo a su traducción del Quijote, observa: “Las tenía [Cervantes] ya escritas, y le pareció una buena ... Dejando aparte la historia del «Curioso impertinente», que el cura lee de unos papeles que pone en sus manos el ...

  • Habla, memoria: Una autobiografía revisitada

    ya que viven y planean a la altura de nuestras cabezas; las de Mademoiselle eran desagradables, debido al lustre de rana de ... Terminan por fin las clases y Mademoiselle nos lee en la terraza, donde las esteras y las sillas de mimbre ...

  • Lettres à Véra

    À six heures, j'irai chez les Lee. ... Comme Boubka serait heureux, vraiment heureux dans les parcs extraordinaires qu'il y a ici... Je t'aime infiniment. J'ai écrit à Pares. Je t'embrasse, ma chérie. BONJOUR, MA JOIE.

  • Speak, Memory

    Speak, Memory

  • Vladimir Nabokov: Selected Letters: 1940–1977

    Maslov would be perfect, minus hair. 2. The glasses should be definitely tortoise-shell ones, with heavier, somewhat squarish frames. 3. The nose is very important. It should be the Russian potato nose, fat and broad, with prominent ...

  • Lolita

    Awe and exhiliration--along with heartbreak and mordant wit--abound in Lolita, Nabokov's most famous and controversial novel, which tells the story of the aging Humbert Humbert's obsessive, devouring, and doomed passion for the nymphet ...

  • Nikolai Gogol

    5 It is amusing to recall that this dream play, this “Government Specter,” was treated as a skit on actual conditions in Russia. It is still more amusing to think that Gogol in his first dismal effort to check those dangerous ...

  • The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov

    Read as a whole, The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov offers and intoxicating draft of the master's genius, his devious wit, and his ability to turn language into an instrument of ecstasy.

  • The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov

    A collection of 65 stories about human relations, human nature, and political satire includes 13 first-time English translations

  • Strong Opinions

    Interviews, articles, and editorials from the 1960s and 1970s reveal Nabokov's personal views on a range of subjects, including art, education, politics, literature, movies, and modern times

  • Pnin

    Pnin is a professor of Russian at an American college who takes the wrong train to deliver a lecture in a language he cannot master.

  • Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited

    Speak, Memory vividly evokes a vanished past in the inimitable prose of Nabokov at his best.

  • Pnin

    Depicts the struggles of Timofey Pnin, a professor of Russian, who attempts to adapt himself to life at an institution.

  • Pale Fire

    A darkly comic novel of suspense, literary idolatry and one-upmanship, and political intrigue—and "one of the great works of art of this century" (Mary McCarthy)—from one of the leading writers of the 20th century.

  • Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle

    Published two weeks after his seventieth birthday, Ada, or Ardor is one of Nabokov's greatest masterpieces, the glorious culmination of his career as a novelist. It tells a love story...

  • Scrisori către Vera

    Tatiana: Tatiana Nikolaevna Karpovici (născută Potapov, 1897-1973), sotia lui Mihail Karpovici. ... cu trei ani de absentă (1942-1945). un profesor de literatură engleză: Probabil Charles Kerby-Miller (19031971), asistent de literatură ...

  • Lectures on Literature

    This volume collects Nabokov’s famous lectures on Western European literature, with analysis and commentary on Charles Dickens’s Bleak House, Gustav Flaubert’s Madam Bovary, Marcel Proust’s The Walk by Swann’s Place, Robert Louis ...

  • Insomniac Dreams: Experiments with Time by Vladimir Nabokov

    They show Nabokov at his most vulnerable, raw, and genuine, giving us rare glimpses into his past, his feelings about his parents, his relationship with his wife and son, and his anxieties and hopes. This is a very important book.