Books written by Vladimir Nabokov

  • The Original of Laura

    Photos of the handwritten index cards accompany the text. They are perforated and can be removed and rearranged, as the author likely did when he was writing the novel.

  • Pnin

    ... había visitado la hospitalaria Rusia, y, a su muerte, los libros que había amasado allí cayeron silenciosamente en un remoto ... un pasaje de la voluminosa obra de Kostromskoy (Moscú, 1885) sobre los mitos rusos –un libro raro, ...

  • Lectures on Russian Literature

    This is a great Russian talking of great Russians.” —Anthony Burgess Introduction by Fredson Bowers

  • King, Queen, Knave

    Berlin in the late twenties provides the setting for this novel about a woman's scheme to murder her husband to live on his money with his nephew

  • The Annotated Lolita

    CHAPTER 31 135/1 Roman law ... girl may marry at twelve : the legal opinions offered in this paragraph move from fact to ... Indiana , Michigan , Minnesota , Montana , Nebraska , Nevada , New Mexico , Ohio , Pennsylvania , West Virginia ...

  • Bend Sinister

    ... doctrine that proposed to enforce spiritual uniformity upon his native land through the medium of the most standardized section of the inhabitants , namely the Army , under the supervision of a bloated and dangerously divine State .

  • Letters to Véra

    This delicious volume contains twenty-one photographs, as well as facsimiles of the letters themselves and the puzzles and doodles Vladimir often sent to Véra.

  • Transparent Things

    Probes the mind of a man whose unconscious sexual and destructive obsessions drive him to strangle his wife and escape into the Europe of his past

  • Invitation to a Beheading

    Like Kafka's The Castle, Invitation to a Beheading embodies a vision of a bizarre and irrational world.

  • Glory

    Hoping to impress the girl he loves, Martin Edelweiss embarks on an illegal attempt to re-enter the Soviet Union, from which he and his mother had fled in 1919.

  • Laughter in the Dark

    A wealthy man in early twentieth-century Berlin is attracted to a lovely young girl and abandons his wife and home to begin a disastrous and unrequited love affair

  • The Annotated Lolita: Revised and Updated

    ... three out-of-print novels, two collections of stories, Pale Fire (1962), the monumental four-volume translation of Pushkin's Eugene Onegin (1964), Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited (1966)—a considerably revised and expanded ...

  • Curso de literatura rusa

    A lo largo de casi dos decadas, antes de alcanzar la celebridad definitiva con Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov impartio cursos de literatura en Wellesley y Cornell, y sus clases, con el tiempo, han llegado a constituir toda una leyenda.

  • Curso de literatura europea

    Nabokov nos da las pautas para una lectura sagaz, heterodoxa y apasionante de grandes libros europeos Vladimir Nabokov, lejos de generalidades y teorizaciones, enseña a sus alumnos a "acariciar los detalles" y apasionarse con la lectura de ...

  • Lectures on Don Quixote

    Edited and with a preface by Fredson Bowers, this volume offers “a powerful, critical, and dramatic elaboration of the theme of illusion” (V. S. Pritchett, The New York Review of Books).

  • Curso sobre el Quijote

    A lo largo de casi dos décadas, antes de alcanzar la celebridad definitiva con Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov impartió cursos de literatura en Wellesley y Cornell, y sus clases, con el tiempo, han llegado a constituir toda una leyenda.

  • Curso Sobre el Quijote

    No es frecuente que los estudiantes tengan por maestro a uno de los mejores autores del momento, pero tampoco lo es que un novelista anada a su propio talento una vocacion didactica tan nitida y eficaz, y tan libre de convencionalismos ...

  • Nikolai Gogol

    Nikolai Gogol was one of the great geniuses of nineteenth century Russian literature, with a command of the irrational unmatched by any writer before or since.

  • 菲雅尔塔的春天: 纳博科夫小说

    Na bo ke fu bing cheng e guo wen xue zhong, Jiang xiao ren wu de ming yun zhi shen yu yi shu zhuang zhong de wu tai. Tong yang...

  • Collected Stories

    This landmark new collection brings together the best of the short stories of Vladimir Nabokov, one of the twentieth century's greatest writers and author of Lolita and Pale Fire.