Books written by Vladimir Nabokov

  • Nabokov's Dozen: Thirteen Stories

    In some of these stories shadowy people pass through, cooped up by life, with nowhere to escape to. Their dreams lie stifled, smothered by routine and repetition, and frustrations lurk in all the corners.

  • Spring in Fialta

    'Spring in Fialta is cloudy and dull'.

  • The Real Life of Sebastian Knight

    Nabokov's first novel in English, one of his greatest and most overlooked On the surface, this is a literary detective story-subtle, intricate, and building to a tantalizing climax.

  • Lolita

    Une histoire de passion et d'amour entre une nymphette et un homme d'âge mur qui se joue des thèses freudiennes, des stéréotypes culturels américains et parodie les conventions littéraires attachées au personnage de l'adolescente.

  • Lolita

    Humbert Humbert is a middle-aged, fastidious college professor. He also likes little girls. And none more so than Lolita, who he'll do anything to possess. Is he in love or insane? A silver-tongued poet or a pervert?

  • Lolita

    Lolita es la novela más conocida del escritor de origen ruso, nacionalizado estadounidense, Vladimir Nabokov publicada por primera vez en 1955.

  • Lolita

    Classic fiction. 'Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of my tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee.

  • Lolita


  • Lolita


  • Laughter in the Dark

    Albinus, a respectable, middle-aged man and aspiring filmmaker, abandons his wife for a lover half his age: Margot, who wants to become a movie star herself.

  • King, Queen, Knave

    The novel is the story of Dreyer, a wealthy and boisterous proprietor of a men's clothing emporium store.

  • Invitation to a Beheading

    Like Kafka's The Castle, Invitation to a Beheading embodies a vision of a bizarre and irrational world.

  • Gloria

    Después de la cena llamó por teléfono Darwin, que sugirió que fueran a bailar. Sonia se hizo la remilgada al principio, pero luego accedió. Martin se fue a cambiar y se estaba poniendo ya los calcetines de seda cuando Sonia le dijo a ...

  • Vladimir Nabokov: Novels and Memoirs 1941-1951 (LOA #87): The Real Life of Sebastian Knight / Bend Sinister / Speak, Memory

    This Library of America volume is the first of three volumes presenting the most authoritative versions of the English works of the brilliant Russian émigré, Vladimir Nabokov.The Real Life of...

  • The Gift

    This gorgeous tapestry of literature and butterflies tells the story of Fyodor's pursuits as a writer. Its heroine is not Fyodor's elusive and beloved Zina, however, but Russian prose and poetry themselves.

  • Lolita

    Awe and exhiliration--along with heartbreak and mordant wit--abound in Lolita, Nabokov's most famous and controversial novel, which tells the story of the aging Humbert Humbert's obsessive, devouring, and doomed passion for the nymphet ...

  • Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited

    ... in backthought, a constant source of grateful wonder). In every way the visit was not a success. I had lunch with Nesbit at a little place, which ought to have been full of memories but which, owing to various changes, was not.

  • Ada o ardore

    Alla seconda conferenza – quella sul Presente –, durante i cinque secondi di silenzio e «attenzione interiore» che ho richiesto al pubblico allo scopo di illustrare il punto che io, o meglio, che il gioiello parlante nella giacca del ...

  • The Annotated Lolita

    An annotated edition of Lolita, first published in 1970 with a revised edition in 1991. The novel which first established Nabokov's reputation with a large audience is a comic satire on sex and the American ways of life.

  • Vladimir Nabokov: Novels 1955-1962 (LOA #88): Lolita / Lolita (screenplay) / Pnin / Pale Fire

    This Library of America volume is the second of three volumes presenting the most authoritative versions of the English works of the brilliant Russian émigré, Vladimir Nabokov.Lolita (1955), Nabokov’s single...