Books written by Vladimir Nabokov

  • Vintage Nabokov

    Vintage Nabokov includes sections 1-10 of his most famous and controversial novel, Lolita; the stories “The Return of Chorb,” “The Aurelian,” “A Forgotten Poet,” “Time and Ebb,” “Signs and Symbols,” “The Vane Sisters ...

  • Nikolai Gogol

    Nikolai Gogol was one of the great geniuses of nineteenth century Russian literature, with a command of the irrational unmatched by any writer before or since.

  • Cuentos completos

    Una rueda se soltó. Desde mi ventana vi cómo su enorme aro de fuego caía sobre un tejado, cómo vacilaba al borde del mismo hasta caer finalmente en la oscuridad, mientras que los corceles, tirando del carro volcado, ya alcanzaban al ...

  • Terra Incognita

    This book includes Terra Incognita, Spring in Fialta and The Doorbell.

  • Despair: A Novel

    Extensively revised by Nabokov in 1965--thirty years after its original publication--Despair is the wickedly inventive and richly derisive story of Hermann, a man who undertakes the perfect crime--his own murder.

  • The Enchanter

    The precursor to Nabokov's classic novel, Lolita. • A middle-aged man weds an unattractive widow in order to indulge his obsession with her daughter. • "A gem to be appreciated by any admirer of the most graceful and provocative ...

  • Despair

    Despair is illuminated throughout by the virtuosity and cunning wit that are Vladimir Nabokov’s hallmarks.

  • Strong Opinions

    Part of a major new series of the works of Vladimir Nabokov, author of Lolita and Pale Fire, in Penguin Classics.

  • Lolita: A Screenplay

    The screenplay for Kubrick’s 1962 film tells the story of an older man’s obsession with a young girl. • This is the purely Nabokov version of the screenplay and not the same version which was produced as the motion picture Lolita, ...

  • Lolita

    Lolita is the story of Humbert Humbert, poet and pervert, and his obsession with 12-year-old Dolores Haze.

  • The Enchanter

    The precursor to Nabokov's classic novel, Lolita. • A middle-aged man weds an unattractive widow in order to indulge his obsession with her daughter. • "A gem to be appreciated by any admirer of the most graceful and provocative ...

  • Letters to Véra

    This delightful volume is enhanced by twenty-one photographs, as well as facsimiles of the letters and the puzzles and drawings Vladimir often sent to Véra. With 8 pages of photographs and 47 illustrations in text

  • Laughter in the Dark

    Tragedy of a rich and respectable Berlin art dealer and his passion for his young mistress.

  • Laughter in the Dark

    He was not loved in return, however, and his life ended in disaster. The original Russian text of this novel was published in 1933.

  • Laughter in the Dark

    Een rijk en gelukkig man stort zich in een levenswijze die tot zelfvernietiging leidt.

  • Curso sobre el Quijote / Lectures On Don Quixote

    In this collection of lectures, which he delivered at Harvard in the early 1950s, Vladimir Nabokov shares insights based on a chapter-by-chapter synopsis of the seventeenth-century novel by Miguel de Cervantes, a timeless classic and one of ...

  • Curso de literatura rusa

    Vladimir Nabokov, exiliado de su país y con pocas esperanzas de regresar algún día, estaba capacitado como nadie para introducir a sus alumnos en la obra de los grandes maestros rusos: Gógol, Turguéniev, Tolstói, Gorki, Dostoyevski o ...

  • Curso de literatura europea / Lectures on European Literatura

    These zealous and exciting lessons, later recreated by Fredson Bowers from the notes the teacher took, are a unique opportunity to re-read the great novels of European literature in depth.

  • Lolita

    ... livslång dröm överskridit samtliga förväntningar eller ej hade det på sätt och vis skjutit över målet – och förvandlats till en mardröm. Jag hade varit lättsinnig, dum och tarvlig. Och för att vara helt uppriktig: någonstans på bottnen ...

  • Lolita: Introduction by Martin Amis

    Nabokov's wise, ironic, elegant masterpiece owes its stature as a classic not to the controversy its subject matter aroused but to its author's use of that material to tell a...