Books written by Steve Wilson

  • Hunter, Central and Lower North Coast Regional Climate Change Project: Analysis of Past Trends and Future Projections of Climate Change...

    Hunter, Central and Lower North Coast Regional Climate Change Project: Analysis of Past Trends and Future Projections of Climate Change...

  • Case Study 3 - Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Bushfire Risk in the Hunter, Lower North Coast and Central...

    Case Study 3 - Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Bushfire Risk in the Hunter, Lower North Coast and Central...

  • Ground Gas Handbook

    "With the increasing development of brownfield and landfill sites, ground gas is a common problem encountered by engineers and scientists and this book not only raises awareness of the phenomenon but also provides practical solutions to the ...

  • Ground Gas Handbook

    With the increasing development of brownfield and landfill sites, ground gas is a common problem encountered by engineers and scientists and this book not only raises awareness of the phenomenon but also provides practical solutions to the ...

  • The Local Authority Guide to Ground Gas

    The Local Authority Guide to Ground Gas

  • The Making of Gone With The Wind

    CONCEPT PAINTINGS BY JOSEPH McMILLAN “MAC” JOHNSON (FACING, TOP LEFT) Joseph McMillan “Mac” Johnson was an architect who went into film work. Gone With The Wind was his first film project. (FACING, TOP RIGHT) An early painting of the ...

  • Match of the Day 365

    When Sheffield United's Lee Morris went down injured, their goalkeeper Alan Kelly kicked the ball out of play so that his teammate could get treatment. Once Morris was fit to continue, Arsenal's Ray Parlour followed the sporting ...

  • Oklahoma Treasures and Treasure Tales

    Hensley , Claude E. Letter to Morris Swett , April 10 , 1957. Morris Swett Collection , Fort Sill Museum , Fort Sill , Oklahoma . Indian - Pioneer History . 112 vols . Foreman Collection , Indian Archives Division , Oklahoma Historical ...

  • Nursery Crimes - Crime and Punishment

    Chapter Eighteen – August 27th – Bye, Baby Bunting The death of the old lady almost missed the news headlines, as it was assumed initially that she had just fallen from her balcony whilst tending to her plants. It was towards the middle ...

  • Lightning's Child - The Timestorm Trilogy Book 1

    These thoughts filled Cawin's mind as they rode northwards to return to their original route, hoping to get an alternative idea of where they should head for. They rode into Minecrest at dusk to see bunting hanging from the houses as ...

  • Around the World in 366 Tales - May Madness

    Sadie saw the colourful bunting that had been used during the city's Labor Day parade. If she had been at home, today, May Day, would have been a holiday from school. At least, it would have been if today was a Monday.

  • Around the World in 366 Tales - March Mayhem

    The European one is only half my size and comes from the bunting family. It's also mainly yellow in colour, so it's nothing like me at all now, is it?” “No, it isn't,” she agreed. “Why is the state named after you?

  • English Legal System Directions

    In Customs and Excise Comrs v Top Ten Promotions Ltd [1969] 1 WLR 1163 Lord Upjohn said (at p.1171): [i]t is highly dangerous, if not impossible, to attempt to place an accurate definition on a word in common use; you can look up ...

  • Galbraith's Building and Land Management Law for Students

    Levy. Sections 106, 106A and 106B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 enable developers to enter into planning obligations, to apply to the planning authority to have planning obligations modified or discharged, and to appeal to ...

  • English Legal System

    However, this answer was inconsistent with that given in Anderton v Ryan [1985] AC 560, which had been decided by the House of Lords only the previous year. The House of Lords departed from its decision in Anderton v Ryan on the basis ...

  • English Legal System

    The House of Lords departed from its decision in Anderton v Ryan on the basis that the decision was wrong. Lord Bridge, although recognising the need for certainty in criminal law, felt that it was permissible to depart from the ...

  • Galbraith's Building and Land Management Law for Students

    The judges examined the Donoghue case, and extracted from it the following statement of principle: A manufacturer of products which he sells in such form that he intends them to reach the ultimate consumer with no reasonable possibility ...

  • The Law Student's Handbook

    How can a reflective academic perusal ofa case such as Hardwick vJohnson be absorbed into the corpus of your notes and brought forth to do battle in the examination hall? An examination is an unusual form of exercise and like any other ...

  • Galbraith's Building and Land Management Law for Students

    Thankfully, the Anns case has now been overruled by Murphy v. Brentwood District Council. This case again arose out of defective foundations. A pair of semi-detached houses had been built on an infilled site on a concrete raft ...

  • Case Study 2 - Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Extreme Heat Events Affecting Public Health in the Hunter, Lower...

    Case Study 2 - Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Extreme Heat Events Affecting Public Health in the Hunter, Lower...