Books written by Andrew Fiala

  • Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues

    I am especially interested here in the implications for duties of moral repair. ... the individual past beneficiaries of affirmative action owe apologies, compensation or some other highly personal form of corrective accountability.

  • Nonviolence: A Quick Immersion

    SUMMARY This book provides an overview of nonviolence. It offers answers to the questions of what nonviolence is, how and why it ought to be used, and who ought to employ it.

  • Can War Be Justified?: A Debate

    In this book, two philosophers debate this question, drawing on contemporary scholarship and new developments in thinking about pacifism and just war theory.

  • The Philosopher's Voice: Philosophy, Politics, and Language in the Nineteenth Century

    In bringing up the question of expression, Kant seems to foreshadow the metacritique of his system as articulated by his colleagues Hamann and Herder.44 The metacritique focused upon two crucial facts about Kant's transcendental ...

  • Seeking Common Ground: A Theist/Atheist Dialogue

    The authors show that it is possible to disagree about religion while also seeking common ground. The book includes a foreword by Rabbi Jack Moline, president of the U.S. Interfaith Alliance.

  • The Bloomsbury Companion to Political Philosophy

    The Bloomsbury Companion to Political Philosophy is the definitive guide to contemporary political philosophy.

  • Practical Pacifism

    Practical Pacifism argues for an approach to peace that aims toward a moral consensus that is developed pragmatically through dialogue aimed at overlapping consensus.

  • Secular Cosmopolitanism, Hospitality, and Religious Pluralism

    ... Cosmopolitanism and Hospitality Hospitality is also an essential feature of a peaceful international order, governing trade relations, business deals, and our approach to dealing with refugees, immigrants, and travelers. Another book ...

  • Civility, Religious Pluralism and Education

    This book focuses on the problem of religious diversity, civil dialogue, and religion education in public schools, exploring the ways in which atheists, secularists, fundamentalists, and mainstream religionists come together in the public ...