Books written by Tim R. New

  • Alien Species and Insect Conservation

    Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, pp 335–344 Lefort M-C, Boyer S, DeRomans S, Glare T, Armstrong K, Worner S (2014) Invasion ... Stiling P (2006) Testing the enemy release hypothesis: a review and meta-analysis.

  • Insect Conservation and Urban Environments

    Melbourne Water, Melbourne Meyer JL, Paul MJ, Taulbee WK (2005) Stream ecosystem function in urbanizing landscapes. J N Am Benthol Soc 24:602–612 New TR (2011) Butterfly conservation in south-eastern Australia: progress and prospects.

  • Insects, Fire and Conservation

    Parks Victoria, Melbourne Schlicht DW, Orwig TT (1992) Sequential use of niche by prairie obligate skipper butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) with implications for management. In: Smith DD, Jacobs CA (eds) Proceedings of the 12th ...

  • ‘In Considerable Variety’: Introducing the Diversity of Australia’s Insects

    Thus, a specific plant may not thrive without its specific insect pollinator, and the converse; and many lycaenid butterflies (blues, coppers) need both a specific host ant (which also needs the butterfly) and larval foodplant, ...

  • Mutualisms and Insect Conservation

    Ant-tending has developed or been lost at least five times during the evolution of Chaitophorus, and the genus has also made several 'switches' in feeding positions from leaffeeding to stem-feeding or the converse, as well as at least ...

  • Insect Conservation and Australia’s Grasslands

    CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood Beehag G, Kaapro J, Manners A (2016) Pest management of turfgrass for sport and recreation. CSIRO Publishing, Clayton South Berg G, Faithfull IG, Powell KS, Bruce RJ, Williams DG, Yen AL (2014) Biology and ...

  • Forests and Insect Conservation in Australia

    Brock PD, Hasenpusch JW (2009) The complete field guide to stick and leaf insects of Australia. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood Rentz D (2014) A guide to the cockroaches of Australia. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood Slipinski A, ...

  • Insect Conservation: A Handbook of Approaches and Methods

    introductions; (2) examining the distribution, range expansion and the invasion process by invasive insect species; (3) understanding mechanisms limiting or facilitating the distribution, and retarding or enhancing the spread, of alien ...

  • Insect Conservation: Past, Present and Prospects

    Regarding insects, three species of butterflies in Satoyama were selected. ... The Invasive Alien Species Act (IASA), established in 2005, concluded that the alien species that inflict significant damage to domestic ecosystems, ...

  • Insect conservation and Australia’s Inland Waters

    New TR (2016) Alien species and insect conservation. Springer, Cham Ngiam RWJ, Lim WL, Collins CM (2017) A balancing act in urban social-ecology: human appreciation, ponds and dragonflies. Urban Ecosyst 20:743–758 Nichols S, Norris R, ...

  • Insect Conservation and Islands

    Thishasbeendonelargelyfrom the background discussed by authors in Stone and Scott (1985), with both internal and external threats (these mainly by invasive species) posing serious concerns for native insects.

  • Insect Conservation: A Handbook of Approaches and Methods

    This book will be particularly relevant to postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students taking courses in insect ecology, conservation biology and environmental management, as well as established researchers in these fields.

  • Insect Diversity, Declines and Conservation in Australia

    This book explores the major themes and problems in facilitating and expanding insect conservation interest and practice in Australia, through discussing how diversity may be evaluated, how changes might occur and the global significance of ...

  • Forests and Insect Conservation in Australia

    Losses of forests and their insect inhabitants are a major global conservation concern, spanning tropical and temperate forest regions throughout the world.

  • Insect Conservation: Past, Present and Prospects

    ... butterflies in Britain and Ireland. Oxford University Press, Oxford Brereton T, Roy DB, Middlebrook I, Botham M ... Red List of butterflies. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg Warren MS, Bourn NAD (2010) Ten challenges ...

  • Butterfly Conservation in South-Eastern Australia: Progress and Prospects

    The book summarises much previously scattered information, and provides access to much regional information of considerable interest to practitioners elsewhere.

  • Conservation of the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly in Australia

    The work has involved the entire historical range of the butterfly, addressed threats and emphasised landscape connectivity, and has enhanced recovery through extensive plantings of native food plants.