Books written by P. Davies

  • Ethics and Empowerment

    Within organisational or political Settings, those with consultative power are able to insist their interests and views be incorporated in whatever actions are taken. They are able to exercise what Galbraith described as 'countervailing ...

  • The Federal Nation: Perspectives on American Federalism

    This inability reaffirms the strength and vibrancy of the American federal system. ... Patrick J. McGuinn, No Child Left Behind and the Transformation of Federal Education Policy, 1965–2005 (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, ...

  • Assessing George W. Bush's Legacy: The Right Man?

    ConyersJr.,Reining inthe Imperial Presidency: Lessonsand Recommendations Relating to the House Subversionof American Democracy (Boston: Little, Brown, 2007), 79. 14. Gary Kamiya, “John Yoo Is Sorry for Nothing,”, March 10, ...

  • All Played Out

    The inside story of the England soccer team in Italy during the 1990 World Cup. The author researched the story with help from players, managers, agents, officials and fans.

  • Reconfiguring the Union: Civil War Transformations

    This volume examines the transformations the Civil War brought to the American Union as a politico-constitutional, social, and economic system.

  • Beckett and Eros: Death of Humanism

    This book is the first to propose a 'mythopoetics of sex' with which to explore Beckett's work as a whole.

  • Invisible Crimes and Social Harms

    ... Boys', inT. Newburn and E.Stanko (eds), Just Boys Doing Business? London: Routledge, 81–89. —— (1995)'From Patriarchyto Gender: Feminist Theory, Criminology and theChallenge ofDiversity', inN. Hahn RafterandF. Heidensohn (eds) ...