Books written by Richard Dellamora

  • The Work of Opera: Genre, Nationhood, and Sexual Difference

    ... “ Semitic , ” thus linking her with all the negative traits attributed to the people the Egyptians once enslaved . Accordingly , Amneris embodies much of what Lombroso would soon clasP. J. Smith 104 sify as “ degenerate ” in Jews.

  • Radclyffe Hall: A Life in the Writing

    from Batten to Troubridge. This problem takes pride of place early in the essay. For example, the sitting of October 13, 1916, ends with the following exchange between Troubridge, who takes the sitting on this occasion, and Batten, ...

  • Friendship's Bonds: Democracy and the Novel in Victorian England

    Batten reserved to her own use the name of Jonathan (Sally Cline, Radclyffe Hall, 66). This drawing is one of a number dealing with the narrative of David and Jonathan that Sargent in 1895 submitted for consideration as possible ...

  • Desire and Time in Modern English Fiction: 1919-2017

    See also Mathews, Paul Gauguin, 185. For more on homoerotic aspects of ... See, for example, my discussion of Walter Pater's fascination with the work of Leonardo da Vinci in Masculine Desire, 130–146. Noa, Noa was originally published ...

  • Victorian Sexual Dissidence

    This collection exploits this framework—while refining and resisting it in places—to show how certain Victorians imagined difference in ways that continue to challenge us today.

  • Postmodern Apocalypse: Theory and Cultural Practice at the End

    Jacques Derrida , " No Apocalypse , Not Now ( Full Speed Ahead , Seven Missiles , Seven Missives ) , " Diacritics 14 ... a similar point about the practice of criticism or analysis : Psychological endeavors are always partially paranoid ...

  • Masculine Desire: The Sexual Politics of Victorian Aestheticism

    Beginning with Tennyson's In Memoriam and continuing by way of Hopkins and Swinburne to the novels of Oscar Wilde and Thomas Hardy, Richard Dellamora draws on journals, letters, censored texts, and pornography to examine the cultural ...