Books written by Roger C. Schank

  • Inside Case-based Explanation

    For example , here is the MOP for the horse race script : ( defmop m - horserace - event ( m - script - event ) : owner m - human : jockey m - human : actor m - racehorse : events ( ( : enter m - enter - race - event ) ( : mount m ...

  • Inside Case-Based Reasoning

    In Proceedings of AAAI-80, pages 313-315, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., Los Altos, CA. Lawrence A. Birnbaum. (1986). Integrated Processing in Planning and Understanding.

  • Making Minds Less Well Educated Than Our Own

    Robert Hutchins People who talk about education have forever been mouthing aphorisms about teaching students to thinkforthemselves. It is the Holy Grail of teaching. Everyone believes it, but very few do much about it.

  • Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding: An Inquiry Into Human Knowledge Structures

    The dean threatens to throw Sam out of school. What will John do? John is Sam's boss. John catches Sam sleeping on the job. What will John do? John is a rival of Sam's for Mary's affection. Sam needs theatre tickets to take out Mary.

  • Inside Multi-Media Case Based Instruction

    A graph of the average frequency of selected events by cluster. 4. ... Asa result, they input text the least of any students, averaging 6 text inputs over all three sessions, compared with an average of 12 for all students. 5.

  • Tell Me a Story: Narrative and Intelligence

    In this study by an expert on learning and computers, the author argues that artificial intelligence must be based on real human intelligence.

  • Beliefs, Reasoning, and Decision Making: Psycho-Logic in Honor of Bob Abelson

    This book, in doing just that, is a testimony to Bob Abelson's impact on the disciplines of social psychology, artificial intelligence and cognitive science, and the applied areas of political psychology and decision-making.

  • Inside Case-Based Explanation

    Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation and Inference in the Cyc Project. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. ... A General Explanation-based Learning Mechanism and its Application to Narrative Understanding.

  • The Cognitive Computer: On Language, Learning, and Artificial Intelligence

    Recounts the history of artificial intelligence and explores the central problems of philosophy and linguistics involved in developing a machine that can formulate new information on the basis of experience

  • Engines for Education

    Presents the electronic book "Engines for Education," written by Roger Schank and Chip Cleary and published by the Institute for the Learning Sciences (ILS) in Evanston, Illinois.

  • Engines for Education

    Today's schools are organized around yesterday's ideas, needs, and resources. The purpose of this volume is to raise consciousness about the changes needed in the educational system.

  • Teaching Minds: How Cognitive Science Can Save Our Schools

    The culprit is a system of subject-based instruction and the solution is cognitive-based learning. This groundbreaking book defines what it would mean to teach thinking. The time is now for schools to start teaching minds!

  • Make School Meaningful--And Fun!

    In this book, Roger C. Schank sets the stage for sparking conversations and innovative changes in schools to help make school experiences relevant to students and prepare them for the future.

  • Inside Case-Based Explanation

    This book is the third volume in a series that provides a hands-on perspective on the evolving theories associated with Roger Schank and his students. The primary focus of this volume is on constructing explanations.

  • Enseñando a pensar

    Escuchamos cuando lo que oímos nos entretiene, pero no cuando debemos aprnder. Estamos enseñando las materias equivocadas con la metodología equivocada. ¿Cuál es la solución de Schank? Todo lo que aprendemos de basa en la práctica.

  • Education Outrage

    The short essays in this book will make you mad, sad, argue with your friends, and take action. Most of all, Education Outrage is funny as hell. Dr. Roger Schank is an expert learner and expert on learning.

  • Conceptual Information Processing

    This book aims to write computer programs that could understand and generate sentences, which is intended as a first step towards the long range goal of a computer that can communicate with people in natural language.

  • Teaching Minds: How Cognitive Science Can Save Our Schools

    The culprit is a system of subject-based instruction and the solution is cognitive-based learning. This groundbreaking book defines what it would mean to teach thinking. The time is now for schools to start teaching minds!

  • 역동적 기억 학습과 교육에 주는 함의

    역동적 기억 학습과 교육에 주는 함의

  • Inside Case-Based Reasoning

    To this end, the book develops a deeper and richer understanding of the content through LISP programming instructions that allow the running, modification, and extension of the micro programs developed by the authors.