Books written by David Robson

  • Anjalendran: Architect of Sri Lanka

    Powell, Robert. The Urban Asian House. Singapore: Select Books, 1998. Powell, Robert. The New Asian House. Singapore: Select Books, 2001. Rapoport, Amos. House Form and Culture. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1969. Ratnavibushana, Anura.

  • The Murder of Emmett Till

    Quoted in Karen E. Pride, “Federal Officials Lead Exhumation of Emmett Till,” Chicago Defender, June 2, 2005. .cfm?ArticleID=951. Quoted in Jet, “No Federal Charges in Emmett Till Murder; ...

  • The Intelligence Trap: Why Smart People Make Dumb Mistakes

    The psychologist David Henry Feldman has examined the careers of the twenty-six brightest Termites, each of whom had a stratospheric IQ score of more than 180. Feldman was expecting to find each of these geniuses to have surpassed their ...

  • La trampa de la inteligencia: Por qué la gente inteligente hace tonterías y cómo evitarlo

    El psicólogo David Henry Feldman ha investigado la trayectoria profesional de las veintiséis «termitas» más brillantes, cada una de las cuales tenía un CI estratosférico (más de 180 puntos). Feldman esperaba que cada uno de esos genios ...

  • Pourquoi l'intelligence rend idiot

    David Henry Feldman a suivi les carrières des 26 Termites les plus doués ; tous avaient obtenu un score phénoménal de plus de 180 au test de QI. Le psychologue s'attendait à voir ces génies surpasser leurs pairs, et pourtant seuls ...

  • Por que pessoas inteligentes cometem erros idiotas?: O que a Nasa, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin e Daniel Kahneman nos ensinam...

    O psicólogo David Henry Feldman avaliou as carreiras dos 26 Termites mais brilhantes, todos eles com um QI estratosférico acima de 180 pontos. Feldman esperava conrmar que cada um desses gênios tinha superado seus pares, ...

  • The Horrors of Auschwitz

    These indignities intensified over time, eventually culminating in the establishment of work camps—also known as concentration or death camps—such as Auschwitz.

  • The Horrors of Auschwitz

    Jennifer Lombardo, David Robson. Electrified fences made of barbed wire surrounded Auschwitz on all sides. Days later, Piechowski found the door slightly ajar. He pushed. Recording the Evidence The records of 17 million people 68 The ...

  • The Internment of Japanese Americans

    Discusses the relocation and internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, describing what led to the internment, life in the camps, court challenges to the internment, and its legacy.

  • The Intelligence Trap: Why Smart People Make Dumb Mistakes

    An eye-opening examination of the stupid things smart people do--and how to cultivate skills to protect ourselves from error.

  • The Murder of Emmett Till

    This book details the investigation into the Emmett Till murder. Students will learn about the specialists involved and the techniques they used to solve case. Includes sidebars containing first-person accounts.

  • Racism

    This necessary edition tackles the varied issues surrounding racism. Chapters discuss what motivates racism, how to fight it, and how to prevent it in the future.

  • Heart of Steel: The Dan Lurie Story

    My little sister Pearl, five at the time, was playing with one of our small cousins in the backyard of our home, ... Her clothing quickly caught fire and she was badly burned. ... Her burns, and perhaps the 19 The Dream Begins.

  • Shakespeare's Globe Theater

    Information about the theater where Shakespeare's plays were first staged, and one of the most famous theaters in history.

  • The Intelligence Trap: Why Smart People Do Stupid Things and How to Make Wiser Decisions

    Why do Nobel Prize winners spread fake news? We assume that smarter people are less prone to error. But greater education and expertise can often amplify our mistakes while rendering us blind to our biases. This is the 'intelligence trap'.

  • The Expectation Effect: How Your Mindset Can Change Your World

    "A journey through the cutting-edge science of how our mindset shapes every facet of our lives, revealing how your brain holds the keys to unlocking a better you"--

  • The Intelligence Trap: Why Smart People Make Dumb Mistakes

    The Intelligence Trap explores cutting-edge ideas in our understanding of intelligence and expertise, including “motivated reasoning,” “meta-forgetfulness,” and “functional stupidity.” David Robson reveals the surprising ways ...

  • Colonial America

    Looks at the colonial period of American history, highlighting what led to the continent's colonization, its growth, and the colonies' ultimate break with Britain.

  • Smalltalk-80: The Language

    The Smalltalk-80 system is an integrated, graphical, and interactive programming environment with capabilities for producing highly functional contact with personal computer systems. This book introduces the Smalltalk-80 approach to information...