Books written by Louis Michael Seidman

  • Constitutional Law

    In 1916 , Hughes resigned to run for the presidency on the Republican and Progressive tickets against Woodrow Wilson . On election eve , he went to bed thinking that he was President , but when the final returns were counted , he had ...

  • Constitutional Law

    To what extent, if any, can Griffin and Douglas be explained on the ground that ''a State can no more discriminate on account of poverty than on account of religion, race, or color''? Consider that the rules invalidated in Griffin and ...

  • Constitutional Law

    Geoffrey R. Stone, Louis Michael Seidman, Cass R. Sunstein, Mark V. Tushnet, Pamela S. Karlan ... Burger considered it fortunate that the justices of the Warren Court had never managed to get five votes to agree on a definition, ...

  • From Parchment to Dust: The Case for Constitutional Skepticism

    Many research assistants helped me with this project, but I am especially grateful to two of them: Casey Chalbeck and Caiti VerBrugge. Calling Casey a “research assistant” doesn't really capture her role. Over the course of working on ...

  • On Constitutional Disobedience

    According to William Thompson, the head of the panel, Thompson and his colleagues had little choice because “the chief justice placed himself above the law” by defying a federal court order. At first, one might think that, as Thompson ...

  • Constitutional Law

    L. Rev. 1 (1991), 575 Gould, Mixing Bodies and Beliefs: The Predicament of Tribes, 101 Colum. L. Rev. 702 (2001), 606 Graber, The New Fiction: Dred Scott and the Language of Judicial Authority, 82 Chi.-Kent L. Rev.

  • Constitutional Law 2000

    Louis Michael Seidman, Geoffrey R. Stone, Robert Walmsley University Professor Cass R Sunstein ... At the end of the page , add the following : For an overview of contemporary issues , see David L. Shapiro , Federalism : A Dialogue ...

  • Constitutional Law: Seventh Edition, 2017 Supplement

    Chief Justice Roberts, joined by Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito; Justice Scalia, joined by Justice Thomas; ... At the end of the Note, add the following: Recent scholarship has thrown doubt on the claim that Roe was strongly ...

  • Constitutional Law

    Key Features: The text's attention to policy, including discussion of competing critical and social perspectives. A multi-disciplinary approach that draws on political theory, philosophy, sociology, ethics, history, and economics.

  • Constitutional Law: 1998 Supplement

    1998 Supplement Louis Michael Seidman, Geoffrey R. Stone. Laycock , The Underlying Unity of Separation and ... 45 ( 1996 ) , 780 McGinnis , The Once and Future Property - Based Vision of the First Amendment , 63 U. Chi . L. Rev.

  • On Constitutional Disobedience

    series editor Geoffrey R. Stone Mark V. Tushnet J. Harvie Wilkinson William Nelson Cromwell Professor. I N A L I E N A B L E R I G H T S S E R I E S Lee C. Bollinger President Columbia University Alan M. Dershowitz Felix Frankfurter ...

  • Silence and Freedom

    "You have the right to remain silent." These words, drawn from the Supreme Court's famous decision in Miranda v. Arizona, have had a tremendous impact on the public imagination. But...

  • Our Unsettled Constitution: A New Defense of Constitutionalism and Judicial Review

    Ours is an age of growing doubt about constitutional theory and of outright hostility to any theory that defends judicial review. Why should a tiny number of unelected judges be...

  • Constitutional Law: Equal Protection of the Laws

    This volume provides a brief, but comprehensive, analysis of the doctrine and theory that glosses the Constitutionâe(tm)s guarantee of equal protection. Topics covered include an analysis of rational basis review,...

  • Constitutional Law

    A new discussion of the Religion Clauses' treatment considers church autonomy in light of Hosanna-Tabor. The text on freedom of expression has been revised to incorporate new cases such as Citizens United v.

  • Silence and Freedom

    "You have the right to remain silent." These words, drawn from the Supreme Court's famous decision in Miranda v. Arizona, have had a tremendous impact on the public imagination. But what a strange right this is.

  • Remnants of Belief: Contemporary Constitutional Issues

    The book explores popular constitutional argument and suggests some common reasons why all sides of modern constitutional debate are unsatisfactory.

  • On Constitutional Disobedience

    In On Constitutional Disobedience, leading constitutional scholar Louis Michael Seidman explains why constitutional disobedience may well produce a better politics and considers the shape that such disobedience might take.

  • The First Amendment

    The authors' annual supplement to their Constitutional Law casebook will now include any new developments or revisions to the First Amendment to keep this new text completely up-to-date.

  • Constitutional Law 2023 Case Supplement

    The 2023 Annual Supplement, like prior Supplements, includes excerpts from recent scholarship and from important new decisions of the Supreme Court—including major cases on the distribution of national powers and equality.