Books written by Sara Delamont

  • Contours of Culture: Complex Ethnography and the Ethnography of Complexity

    Each craft artist and artisan develops and uses distinctive techniques in order to manipulate their materials. Basic materials are combined and recombined to generate a multiplicity of types and forms, styles and games.

  • The Doctoral Experience

    Dr Maitland-Maine, an Ottercombe environmental scientist, said: The most satisfying kind of teaching is the postgraduate teaching because at the end of the process the teacher-pupil relationship, in an ideal case, is destroyed.

  • Key Themes in the Ethnography of Education

    196 Delamont, S. (1990) Sex Roles and the School (2nd edition) London: Routledge. Delamont, S. (1993) Distant dangers and forgotten standards. Women's History Review, 1, 2, 233–252. Delamont, S. (1998) You need the leotard.

  • Ethnographic Engagements: Encounters with the Familiar and the Strange

    The work of Laud Humphreys (1970) is an earlier, notorious sociological example, discussed most recently by Calvey (2017). Our mistakes follow us, and – ideally – our best ideas take on a life of their own that can last long after the ...

  • Feminist Sociology

    Pearson , D. ( 2000 ) Unpublished material supplied by the author . ... Pilcher , J. and Wagg , S. ( eds ) ( 1996 ) Thatcher's Children . ... Platt , J. ( 1995 ) ' Research methods and the Second Chicago School , in G.A. Fine ( ed . ) ...

  • Fieldwork in Educational Settings: Methods, Pitfalls and Perspectives

    Neel , J. ( 1993 ) Death among the Dons , London : Constable . ... Nisbet , J. ( 2000 ) “ When the " rot " set in ' , British Educational Research Journal , 26 , 3 , 409–22 . ... Pearson , G. ( 1983 ) Hooligan , London : Macmillan .

  • EBOOK: Supervising the Doctorate

    Hockey, J. (1991) The Social Science PhD, Studies in Higher Education, 16 (3): 319–32. Hockey, J. (1994a) Establishing ... Pearson, D. (2002) Pressure Points in Academic Life, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Cardiff University, Cardiff.

  • The Sociology of Women: An Introduction

    Mungham, G. and Pearson, G. (1976), Working Class Youth Culture (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul). Murcott, Anne (1980), 'The social ... Pahl, R. E. and Winkler, J. (1974), 'The economic elite', in Stanworth and Giddens (1974).

  • Research Careers and Cultures

    Pearson, D. (2002) Pressure Points in Academic Life, unpublished PhD thesis, University of Wales, Cardiff. Pert, Candace (1997) Molecules of Emotion, ... Platt, J. (1976) The Realities of Research, Brighton: Sussex University Press.

  • Sex Roles and the School

    100 Mungham, G. and Pearson, G. (eds) (1976) Working Class Youth Culture, London: Routledge 8: Kegan Paul. ... 23 Newson, J. and Newson, E. (1976) Seven Years Old in the Home Environment, London: Allen 8: Unwin. 19, 20, 22 Newson,J. et ...

  • Feminism and the Classroom Teacher: Research, Praxis, Pedagogy

    Adams, K. and Emery, K. (1994) 'Classroom coming out stories: practical strategies for productive self-disclosure', in L.Garber (ed.) Tilting the Tower: Lesbians/Teaching/Queer Subjects, New York: Routledge. Adams, R. (1938) I'm Not ...

  • 给研究生导师的建议

    本书从研究生导师应该如何处理与学生的关系开始, 就帮助学生适应研究生角色, 设计与规划研究课题, 撰写文献综述, 收集数据, 写作论文以及评审和答辩等各个阶段的问题, ...

  • Key Themes in Qualitative Research: Continuities and Changes

    The phenomenological spirit was also incorporated into some of the earliest ethnomethodological work in the famous “breaching” exercises undertaken by Garfinkel and his students (Garfinkel 1967; Heritage 1984).

  • Fieldwork in Educational Settings: Methods, Pitfalls and Perspectives

    Although Mrs Lewis and I had some common meeting ground (I had also been a high school teacher and, like Mrs Lewis, thought of myself as a prounion feminist), I did not always agree with her about social issues or educational procedures ...

  • Embodying Brazil: An ethnography of diasporic capoeira

    Lewis provides musical notation for the toque called angola which is always played when the introductory ladainha is played, and is more commonly known as São Bento pequeno (Little Saint Benedict). São Bento grande (The great Saint ...

  • Fieldwork in Educational Settings: Methods, pitfalls and perspectives

    Lodge, D. (1984) Ginger You're Barmy. Harmondsworth: Penguin (revised edition). Lodge, D. (1985) Small World. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Lodge, D. (1989) Nice Work. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Loizos, P. (1981) The Heart Grown Bitter.

  • SAGE Qualitative Research Methods

    This collection includes research from the past four decades and addresses key issues or controversies, such as: explanations and defences of qualitative methods; ethics; research questions and foreshadowed problems; access; first days in ...

  • SAGE Research Methods Foundations

    SAGE Research Methods Foundations give introductory overviews to major research methods, covering their history, development and critical debates surrounding them.

  • The Lost Ethnographies: Methodological Insights From Projects That Never Were

    The irregular school: Exclusion, schooling, and inclusive education. New York, NY: Routledge. ... Activist and socially critical school and community renewal: Social justice in exploitative times. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

  • The Lost Ethnographies: Methodological Insights From Projects That Never Were

    Everyday arias. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. Atkinson, P. A. (2013). The master singers: Language and practice in an operatic masterclass. Ethnography and Education, 8(3), 355–370. Atkinson, P. A., & Delamont, S. (2009).