Books written by William E. Marsh

  • Memory As Life, Life As Memory: The Mystery of Memory

    This book is about memory, the power of memory, the weight of memory, the presence of memory.

  • Thinking about God: Reflections on a Considered Life

    12 See Styron's beautifully written Darkness Wriéle: A Memoir of Madness (New York: Random House, 1990). '5 Paini'uiiy excerpted from Wiesel's Night (New York: Hill and. 51 Transforming Night.

  • Nothingness, Metanarrative, and Possibility

    This metanarrative, this work asserts, is the logos, the ultimate referent prin-ciple of the ancient Greeks and, according to Christianity, the God-man Jesus Christ, the eternal become present in present experience.

  • Imagining Eternity: a Journey Toward Meaning

    I blew away all sexual restraint that spring, blew it away like a dandelion in a May breeze. Bubbling over with drugs, philosophical fracture, and untamed desire, I unleashed my youthful sensuality on many a warm night, getting on with ...

  • Do You Believe?: A Meditation on Faith

    Yet he had now come to believe it. As people tend to do in these situations, everyone began to move on. Carol and I continued to reach out to Adelina and help however we could. One day, she told me, “How can I ever repay you?

  • It's All in a Word: God, Life, and Meaning

    We speak because we have been spoken into existence. This book is about this speech, this Word that spoke us into existence. It's about how to know this Word, this Word that made us, this Word that gives us form, joy, and meaning.

  • Memory as Life, Life as Memory: The Mystery of Memory

    ... remember our “own” first. Does not God, however, know everyone? Do not God's eyes, as Judaism likes to say, “See everyone?” Sure. God knows everyone and everything on the planet. He knows ... more profound than that with which he loves the.