Books written by Diane Moser

  • African Americans in Science, Math, and Invention

    Barnes, William Harry 11 Barnes, Robert Percy (1898–1990) organic chemist In 1933, Robert Percy Barnes became the first black student to receive a Ph.D. in chemistry from Harvard University. He also served on the National Science ...

  • Barbara Mcclintock

    However, Morgan became curious about the process of mutation, and he looked around for a good species to study, just as Mendel had found the garden pea. He settled finally on the Drosophila, a small fruit fly that breeds with great ...

  • The Age of Synthesis: 1800-1895

    And finally, our gratitude and affection to the late Morgan Sherwood and his wife, Jeanie Sherwood, for their warmth and generosity and their gift of Morgan's fine, extensive library on pseudoscience and the history of science.

  • The Birth of Science: Ancient Times to 1699

    Discusses major scientists as well as scientific knowledge and discoveries from ancient times through the seventeenth century.

  • The Story of America's Bridges

    ... River New York City O. F. Nichols Hell Gate Bridge East River New York City Gustav Lindenthal steel arch railroad bridge suspension Bear Mountain Bridge Hudson River West Point , New York Howard C. Baird suspension Benjamin Franklin ...

  • Savvy Surfing on the Internet: Searching and Evaluating Web Sites

    Explains how to use doubt and skepticism to figure out the difference between good information on the Web and intentionally or unintentionally wrong information.

  • TV News: Can It Be Trusted?

    Discusses what makes a story newsworthy, the different people who are part of television newscasts, the reliability and distortions of these broadcasts, and how to use critical thinking when watching the news.

  • The Rise of Reason: 1700-1799

    Discusses major scientists and scientific issues and discoveries of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

  • The Age of Synthesis: 1800-1895

    Examines the role of science in the Industrial Revolution, its establishment as a popular discipline, and discoveries in the areas of atoms and the elements, chemistry, evolution, and energy.

  • The Story of America's Tunnels

    Traces the history of tunnel-building in America, from the earliest days of the Schuylkill Navigation Tunnel to the complex technology of today's immersed-tube tunnels.

  • The Birth of Science: Ancient Times to 1699

    Examining the scientific ideas developed by the early Greek philosophers, the developments of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and the momentous discoveries of the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century, this volume looks at the ...