Books written by Clifford GEERTZ

  • After the Fact

    “a foundational essay”: E. Shils, “On the Comparative Study of the New States,” in C. Geertz, ed., Old Societies and New States, The Quest for Modernity in Asia and ... Adams, Clark Howell, and later on Melford Spiro and Nur Yallman.

  • Peddlers and Princes: Social Change and Economic Modernization in Two Indonesian Towns

    3 K. Polanyi, C. M. Arensberg and H. W. Pearson, Trade and Markets in the Early Empires (Glencoe, 111.: Free Press, 1957). Only a minority of Balinese hamlets are thus specialized, of Economic Development in Tabanan , 89.

  • Negara

    Ed. Harry W. Pearson. New York. Polanyi, K., et al. 1957 Trade and Markets in Early Empires: Economies in History and Theory. Glencoe (Ill.), Purnadi Purbatjaraka 1961 "Shahbandars in the Archipelago." Journal of Southeast Asian History ...

  • The Interpretation of Cultures

    S. M. Eisenstadt, The Political Systems of Empires (New York, 1963); K. Polanyi, C. Arensberg, and H. Pearson, eds., Trade and Markets in Early Empires (Glencoe, Ill., 1957). 6. For a survey and examination of such work, ...

  • After the Fact: Two Countries, Four Decades, One Anthropologist

    23-61; S. Pearson et al., Rice Policy in Indonesia (Ithaca, 1991). For an evocation of the atmospherics of the Cold War throughout this period, see F. Inglis, The Cruel Peace (New York, 1991). 5. Disciplines 96.

  • Clifford Geertz by His Colleagues

    ... the possibility for the third, more directly judgmental question, by asking: In at least implicitly establishing such criteria does 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 1. 2. Lawrence. Rosen.

  • Local Knowledge: Further Essays In Interpretive Anthropology

    It is not, to paraphrase Lawrence Rosen on contemporary Moroccan practice, the document that makes the man believable; it is the man (or, in certain contexts, the woman) who makes the document such.” The development of the institutions ...

  • Life among the Anthros and Other Essays

    ... 232 Renan, Ernest, 203, 243 Richard, Audrey, 15 Richards, I. A., 7 Rida, Rashid, 179 Rimrock Project, 189–90 Robinson, Mary, 113 Roosevelt, Theodore, 109 Rorty, Richard, 2 Rosaldo, Renato, 216 Rosen, Lawrence, 211 Rosser, Sue V., ...

  • Available Light: Anthropological Reflections on Philosophical Topics

    301–302; L. Rosen, Bargaining for Reality: The Construction of Social Relations in a Muslim Community, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984, p. 48; C. Geertz, The Religion of Java, Glencoe, Ill., The Free Press, 1960, pp. 238–241.

  • Islam Observed: Religious Development in Morocco and Indonesia

    Lloyd Fallers , Mildred Geertz , Lawrence Rosen , David Schneider , and Melford Spiro have all given earlier drafts of this work the benefit of extensive and careful criticism , some of which I have paid attention to .

  • Spurenlesen: der Ethnologe und das Entgleiten der Fakten

    Heute mag die Bevölkerungszahl der Stadt durchaus auf die 70 000 zu klettern , und die Stadt ist in den Rang einer Provinzhauptstadt erhoben worden ( L. Rosen , persönliche Mitteilung ) . Seite 29.

  • Observando el Islam: el desarrollo religioso en Marruecos e Indonesia

    Lloyd Fallers , Hildred Geertz , Lawrence Rosen , David Schneider , y Melford Spiro me han concedido el beneficio de sus críticas extensivas y meticulosas a los borradores de este trabajo , a algunas de las cuales he prestado verdadera ...

  • Available Light: Anthropological Reflections on Philosophical Topics

    ... 1963; T. S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962; F. Eggan, ... M. Axton, The Queen's Two Bodies: Drama and the Elizabethan Succession, London: Royal Historical Society, 1977. 38.

  • Conocimiento local: ensayos sobre la interpretación de las culturas

    M. Hammersley y P. Atkinson - Etnografía . Métodos de investigación 70. C. Solís - Razones e intereses 71. ... M. Augé - El sentido de los otros 81. ... T. S. Kuhn - El camino desde la « estructura » 115. W. V. O. Quine - Desde un punto ...

  • Hayat dan karya: antropolog sebagai penulis dan pengarang

    ... 138 , 161 , 162 Kevin Dwyer 100 kidung 124 kritik sosial 117 Kuba 146 Kuhn 151 Kuwait 146 idealisme Kristiani 137 ... M. Fischer 145 M. Leiris 143 malafide 99 Mallarmé 7 , 44 , 47 mantra 73 , 124 Maori 115 , 116 Margaret Mead 4 ...

  • Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author

    'America's most renowned cultural anthropologist...analyzes the literary forms of several anthropologist notables.'-Richard A. Scweder, The New York Times Book Review

  • Peddlers and Princes: Social Development and Economic Change in Two Indonesian Towns

    Case study and broader theory are brought together in an illuminating marriage."—Donald Hindley, Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science "What makes the book fascinating is the author's capacity to relate his ...

  • Clifford Geertz by His Colleagues

    A fitting tribute to one of the great thinkers of our age, this collection will be enjoyed by anthropologists as well as students of psychology, history, and philosophy.

  • Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author

    The illusion that ethnography is a matter of sorting strange and irregular facts into familiar and orderly categories_this is magic, that is technology_has long since been exploded.

  • Life among the Anthros and Other Essays

    This book brings together the finest of Geertz's review essays from the New York Review along with a representative selection of later pieces written at the height of his powers, some that first appeared in periodicals such as Dissent, ...