Books written by Ron Patton

  • Paranoia Magazine #63

    In this issue: > Letter from the Publisher by Olav Phillips > Secrets of the Shining by Jay Wiedner > The Great American Moon Hoax by Joan d'Arc > Miley Cyrus, Stephen Colbert and the Celebrity Discordian Menance by N. Nash Gage > The New ...

  • Consensus Trance

    pertussis 114 pesticides 136 pharmaceutical-medical industry 97, 101, 102, 104, 106–109, 143, 157 Pharmaceuticals Directive 109 Phelps Hospital 103, 104 Philadelphia Children's Hospital 195 Philippine Medical Association 118 Phillips, ...

  • ATL开发指南


  • Consensus Trance

    This book is composed of the articles written by different authors at different times, but together they present the Big Picture of mass and individual mind control and its various techniques."

  • Software Testing

    Software testing is one of the invisible jobs in the software industry. Everyone has heard of computer programmers but few people realize there are nearly as many people behind the...

  • Software Testing

    Software Testing

  • ATL Developer's Guide

    -- Tom Armstrong writes the COM+ Edge column for Visual C++ Developer's Journal. He is an independent software consultant, teacher and author. His previous work for M&T, Designing and Using...

  • Testování softwaru

    Testování softwaru