Books written by Robert Bauval

  • The Egypt Code

    Seeing that Ausim was due north of the Great Pyramid, Goyon became convinced that the tower from which Eudoxus had studied the stars might have been the remnants of a very ancient bollard that had served as a sighting point for the.

  • Breaking the Mirror of Heaven: The Conspiracy to Suppress the Voice of Ancient Egypt

    When in 1906 a group of Egyptian intellectuals (including the famous Egyptian reformer Sheikh Muhammad Abduh) approached Cromer with plans to establish an Egyptian university, they were arrogantly told that Egyptians were not ready for ...

  • Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt

    ... which is in fact an article by Zedeño herself and a colleague, Alex Applegate, published in 2001. ... 6 To confuse things even further, in an e-mail message we received from Romuald Schild on June 12, 2008, “The first field map of ...

  • Imhotep the African: Architect of the Cosmos

    ... the sun appears to travel (the ecliptic) will eventually each mark the Spring Equinox (or Vernal Point) at different ... professor of Ancient History at William Paterson University in New Jersey, who published a thesis in 1971 about ...

  • The Master Game: Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World

    ... 152-153,168, 189 Fondation l'Arche de la Fraternité, 487 Fontaine, Pierre Francois Léonard, 470 Force, Peter, 541 Foulkes, Bishop ofToulouse, 44 Fourés, Pauline, 463 Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, 241 Fournier, Jacques, 169 Fowler, ...

  • Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt

    Revealing these “Star People” as the true founders of ancient Egyptian civilization, this book completely rewrites the history of world civilization, placing black Africa back in its rightful place at the center of mankind’s origins.

  • Talismano. Le città sacre e la Fede segreta

    Talismano. Le città sacre e la Fede segreta

  • Talismán. Arquitectura y masonería

    Graham Hancock y Robert Bauval ponen de manifiesto la existencia de una religión secreta cuyas creencias han dado forma al mundo y a la arquitectura de muchas ciudades convirtiéndolas en auténticos talismanes.

  • Origins of the Sphinx: Celestial Guardian of Pre-Pharaonic Civilization

    Moving us closer to an understanding of the true age and purpose of the Great Sphinx, Schoch and Bauval provide evidence of an early high civilization witnessed by the Great Sphinx before the end of the last ice age.

  • Custode della genesi

    Custode della genesi

  • LE MYSTERE DU GRAND SPHINX. A la recherche du patrimoine caché de l'humanité

    Grâce à une simulation informatique de la carte du ciel des temps anciens, Robert Bauval a brisé le code astronomique caché dans l'alignement des trois pyramides de Guizeh : elles forment une image précise de la position des étoiles ...

  • Talismán

    ¿Por qué los francmasones franceses entregaron a Estados Unidos la famosa Estatua de la Libertad para que la colocaran en el puerto de Nueva York? ¿Por qué Mitterrand encargó una...

  • Le mystère de Mars

    Dans la ligne de Robert Charroux, un ensemble impressionnant d'hypothèses sensationnelles et d'élucubrations astro-logiques. [SDM].

  • Le mystère du grand sphinx: à la recherche du patrimoine caché de l'humanité

    Le mystère du grand sphinx: à la recherche du patrimoine caché de l'humanité

  • Código Egipto

    ¿Qué motivó a los egipcios a construir las pirámides? ¿La distribución aparentemente ilógica de las pirámides no tendría que ver más bien con consideraciones religiosas y astronómicas? ¿Por qué estaban orientadas hacia ...

  • The Vatican Heresy: Bernini and the Building of the Hermetic Temple of the Sun

    Revealing the magical architectural plan masterminded by the Renaissance’s greatest minds, including Bernini, Jesuit scholars, Queen Christine of Sweden, and several popes, the authors expose the ultimate heresy of all time blessed by the ...

  • Keeper of Genesis: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind

    In Keeper Of Genesis, Robert Bauval And Graham Hancock Present A Tour De Force Of Historical And Scientific Detective Work And Answer The Following Questions:When And Where Did History Begin?When Was The Genesis Of Civilisation In Egypt?How ...

  • Secret Chamber: The Quest for the Hall of Records

    In the last three years a covert archaeological search has taken place at Giza to locate the Hall of Records under the Sphinx and also find a reputed secret room...

  • Secret Chamber Revisited: The Quest for the Lost Knowledge of Ancient Egypt

    In this fully updated edition of Secret Chamber, including new color photographs, Robert Bauval pursues his in-depth investigation of clandestine events at Giza and the role played by the controversial ex-Minister of Antiquities Dr. Zahi ...

  • Darklore

    Volume 3 of Darklore features contributions from Robert Bauval, Nick Redfern, Robert Schoch, Mike Jay, Michael Tymn, Neil Arnold and Theo Paijmans, and many others.