Books written by David Gowland

  • Reluctant Europeans: Britain and European Integration 1945-1998

    Although a supporter of British membership of the EC at the time of the 1961 application, Powell had subsequently ... 5 The government's response to Powell's challenge was to dismiss the danger of instant federalism and to stress the ...

  • The European Mosaic

    ... Plate 2.5, from http://, Audiovisual Library of ... We would like to express our thanks to Morten Fuglevand of Pearson Education for his unfailing advice and ...

  • Britain and European Integration Since 1945: On the Sidelines

    Gowland, D., Dunphy, R. and Lythe, C. (2006) The European Mosaic: Contemporary Politics, Economics and Culture, Harlow: Pearson Education. Grant, C. (1994) Delors: Inside the House that Jacques Built, London: Nicholas Brealey.

  • Britain and the European Union

    By this time, Ken Clarke, the veteran government minister and one of the few leading and vocal proEU spokespersons left in the Conservative Party, warned that appeasing the Eurosceptics was like 'feeding crocodiles'.

  • Money, Inflation and Unemployment

    ... Blanchard and Fischer ( 1989 , Chapter 9 ) and Carlin and Soskice ( 1990 ) . The resulting level of price and quantity is called a temporary equilibrium or , perhaps more consistently , analysed as a disequilibrium .

  • The European Mosaic

    ofEuropean unity«, in G.Hosking and G. Schöpflin (eds), Mythsand Nationhood, Hurst inassociation with theSchool of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, London. Richardson, J. (ed.) (2001)European Union: Power and ...

  • Monetary Policy and Credit Control: The UK Experience

    Monetary Policy and Credit Control: The UK Experience

  • International Economics

    Most of the existing textbooks on international economics - a widely taught and ighly popular subject - are long and too detailed and advanced for many students. This book, first...

  • Britain and European Integration since 1945: On the Sidelines

    This book provides both a comprehensive introduction and a perceptive examination of Britain’s relations with the European Community and the European Union since 1945, combining an historical account with political analysis to illustrate ...

  • Understanding Macroeconomics

    Understanding Macroeconomicsprovides short non-technical summaries of important areas of economics, especially those where the alternative literature is either not easily accessible or else highly specialized. An important objective of the...

  • Reluctant Europeans: Britain and European Integration 1945-1998

    What impelled British policymakers to embrace a European destiny and why did they take such a cautious approach? These are some of the key issues addressed inThe Reluctant Europeans.

  • Britain and the European Union

    This book will be of key interest to scholars, students and the generally interested reader in the areas of European Politics/Studies, British Politics, EU Politics/Studies, Area Studies and International Relations.

  • Britain and the European Union

    This book will be of key interest to scholars, students and the generally interested reader in the areas of European Politics/Studies, British Politics, EU Politics/Studies, Area Studies and International Relations"--

  • Britain and European Integration 1945-1998: A Documentary History

    Source: It's Time to get Britain Working Again, Labour Party general election manifesto, 1992 Document 9.8 During the late 1960s and early 1970s Heath was portrayed by Labour as a poodle 1y" Brussels. Afler Labour's stance on Europe ...

  • The European Mosaic: Contemporary Politics, Economics, and Culture

    This text provides a general introduction to contemporary Europe taking into account the history, politics, society and economics of various European countries. *New Authors for sections on Scandinavia and Economy....

  • Money, Inflation and Unemployment: The Role of Money in the Economy

    Money, Inflation and Unemployment: The Role of Money in the Economy

  • Money, Inflation and Unemployment: The Role of Money in the Economy

    This is the revised edition of a text for intermediate level students of monetary economics and macroeconomics.

  • Britain and the European Union

    This book will be of key interest to scholars, students and the generally interested reader in the areas of European Studies, British Politics, EU Studies, Area Studies and International Relations.

  • International Bond Markets

    Monograph comprising contributions by various authors on government borrowings, debt management and bond markets described in various countries. Covered subjects include: "Debt management in the U.S.A." by B. Craven; "The...