Books written by Vera John-Steiner

  • Creativity and Development

    R. Keith Sawyer, Vera John-Steiner, Seana Moran, Robert J. Sternberg, David Henry Feldman, Howard Gardner, ... AND THOUGHT The View from Sign Language and Deaf Children M. Marschark, P. Siple, D. LilloMartin, R. Campbell, V. Everhart.

  • Creativity and Development

    ... Recreations and straightforward stories of the horrors of war ( such as Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage or MacKinlay Kantor's Andersonville ) are powerful , Vonnegut might argue , but to truly convey the nature of war an ...

  • Creative Collaboration

    This book suggests that our grasp of creativity is impoverished because we fail to recognise the vital roles that partnerships, collaborations, friendships, and communities play in our thinking, learning, and understanding.

  • Creative Collaboration

    who have tried to follow his lead, an influence that Vera JohnSteiner acknowledges at many points and in many ways in Creative Collaboration. The central theme of this book is exquisitely Vygotskian: working together productively toward ...

  • Loving and Hating Mathematics: Challenging the Myths of Mathematical Life

    Mathematics is often thought of as the coldest expression of pure reason. But few subjects provoke hotter emotions--and inspire more love and hatred--than mathematics. And although math is frequently idealized...

  • Notebooks of the Mind: Explorations of Thinking

    Among the many examples JohnSteiner uses to illustrate this point, I particularly liked her account of the playwright-turned-actor-turned-playwright. From the deep immersion in the actor's craft comes the knowledge of what the ...

  • Creative Collaboration

    This book suggests that our grasp of creativity is impoverished because we fail to recognise the vital roles that partnerships, collaborations friendships, and communities play in our thinking, learning, and understanding.

  • Early Childhood Bilingual Education

    Early Childhood Bilingual Education

  • Matemáticas: Una historia de amor y odio

    Las matemáticas tienen para muchos mala fama: frías, complicadas, ajenas a todo aquello que no sea “racional”.

  • Creativity and Development

    Robert Keith Sawyer, Vera John-Steiner, Seana Moran, Robert J. Sternberg, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, David Henry Feldman, Howard Gardner, Jeanne Nakamura. By analogy, the child could be said to internalize many elements and components of ...

  • Notebooks of the Mind: Explorations of Thinking

    The artist, then, summons and induces his own imagery; he is self-propelled.15 Curiously, a very different contemporary writer, William Burroughs, feels' similarly that he has consciously to sharpen his imaginal processes to overcome ...

  • Creative Collaboration

    Many of these collaborators complemented each other, meshing different backgrounds and forms into fresh styles, while others completely transformed their fields. Here is a unique cultural and historical perspective on the creative process.

  • Vygotsky and Creativity: A Cultural-historical Approach to Play, Meaning Making, and the Arts

    This text presents a Vygotskian perspective on children's and adults' symbolic engagement in play, multi-modal meaning making, and the arts.

  • Notebooks of the Mind: Explorations of Thinking

    How do creative people think? Do great works of the imagination originate in words or in images? Is there a rational explanation for the sudden appearance of geniuses like Mozart...