The Three Investigators in the Mystery of the Laughing Shadow
Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in the Mystery of the Laughing Shadow
The Three Investigators journey to an isolated mountain ranch to investigate the reported invasion of the West Coast by UFOs.
Three young detectives travel abroad to solve a mystery involving a silver spider and a political plot that endangers the life of a young prince.
In searching for a lost parrot who recites Shakespeare with a stutter, Jupiter Jones' firm of young detectives becomes involved with a missing masterpiece.
Because they are present when a mysterious man steals a prize at the carnival, The Three Investigators are launched on another adventure.
Searching for a legendary pirate treasure, the three investigators find a band of modern day pirates.
Three junior detectives solve a mystery involving a collection of antique busts, a legacy, a strange letter, and a red ruby.
He guessed it was a path because there were streetlights and bushes on both sides of it but only weeds down the center . Wheeling his bicycle , he advanced along it , stopping every few yards to draw another ? on a tree or on one of the ...
An old trunk involves the three investigators with dangerous criminals seeking a cache of stolen money.