Robert's allergy to roses causes him to lose many jobs until one day a giant sneeze brings him good fortune.
This is a perfect introduction to reading that will whet young readers’ appetites for additional books in the Beginner Book series.
Sneaker the snake is not only a good pet for Pete, he becomes a good student at Pete's school and a hero at the public swimming pool.
The Smallest Horse tells the story of Trixie, a miniature horse, who worries that she¿s not big enough to have an important job on the ranch.
This valiant story of how young George Washington was drawn into his country's struggle for independence gives readers a vivid perspective on a crucial era in American history--and on the life of a revolutionary hero.
Now if only she could stop causing so much trouble! Dogosaurus Rex is a hilarious tale of a very special dog (with a prehistoric twist) that will have you roaring—just like Sadie.
Robert the Rose Horse
When George swallows a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, a trip to the hospital is in order.
14-year-old Heath Lambert is spending his summer at Camp Harmony in the picturesque Cascade Mountain Valley.
Fans of the new PBS Kids preschool science show the Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! (which is based on The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library) will whinny with glee over this new addition to the series!
Marvin, a tap-dancing horse in a small traveling carnival, is discovered by Swifty Calico and finds success and fame on Broadway, but all the parties and fame don't make Marvin...