Telling the inspiring story behind the creation of the Paralympics, this biography combines archival photos, full-color illustrations, and a riveting narrative to honor the life of Ludwig Guttmann, whose work profoundly changed lives.
This book gives a wonderful insight into the background and running of the Sydney Paralympic Games and the legacy it has left (Karen Tighe, Foreword).
For ICSD and national Deaf sport federations, having ownership of the word 'Deaflympics' can and does make all the difference. Conclusion n recognition of the unique communication requirements of Deaf athletes, it is clearly evident ...
EPO was at the heart of the doping scandal that shook the 1998 Tour de France, and the problems had become more widespread. Strategic Matters and Preparations The International Paralympic Committee would not become a subsidiary, ...
Goodman S. Spirit of Stoke Mandeville: the story of Sir Ludwig Guttmann. London: Harper Collins Publishing LLC; 1986. 4. Guttmann L. History of the National Spinal Injuries Centre, Stoke Mandeville Paraplegia. 1967;5:115–26. 5.
Mexico Organising Committee for the Olympic Games. (1969). The cultural Olympiad. Official Report of the XIX Olympiad, Vol 4. Mexico: MOCOG. Miah, A. and García, B. (2012). The Olympics. The basics. London: Routledge.
“ 6 In 1943 he welcomed the challenge of opening a spinal injuries unit at Stoke Mandeville , where he applied a radically ... 47 S. Goodman , Spirit of Stoke Mandeville : The Story of Sir Ludwig Guttmann ( London , 1986 ) , 82–109 .
This handbook provides a critical assessment of contemporary issues that define the contours of the Paralympic Movement generally and the Paralympic Games more specifically.
600 Lion, Leon Marks premises in the Canongate, he wrote Britain's earliest original contribution to the literature ... 1936, 4 April 1947); Times (29 March, 15 April 1947); A. B. Wilson, John Galsworthy's Letters to Leon Lion (1968).
DollTepper,G. (1999) 'Disability Sport', in J.Riordan andA. Krüger(eds), The International Politics of Sport in the Twentieth Century. London: E&FN Spon, 177–90. Goodman, S.(1986) Spirit of Stoke Mandeville: The Storyof Ludwig Guttmann.