"The Expert Improver follows on from Danny Roth's foundation book, The Expert Beginner. Intermediate learners are introduced to more complicated bridge play and defence, as well as to new techniques and bidding conventions. Using the same radical approach as in the first book, Roth gives exercises to be done against a stop-watch. In each example every card played and bid made is explained and justified, so that the student understands the principle behind what he or she is doing. Anyone who has completed the exercises in both books will be well on their way towards becoming an expert bridge player and a popular partner."--Back cover
A Guide to Learning and Understanding Contract Bridge Richard V. Smith ... DOUBLETON AND SINGLETON HONORS You will virtually never lead from a high card when it is in a doubleton or singleton such as : K 2 Q2 J 2 K QJ When you do ...
NORTH ( Mrs. Bennett ) 4 A 10 6 3 V 10 8 5 • 4 of A 9842 WEST ( Mr. Hoffman ) A Q 72 V AJ3 • AQ 10 92 of J 6 EAST ( Mrs. Hoffman ) 4 V Q 94 KJ 763 of Q 753 SOUTH ( Mr. Bennett ) A KJ 985 V K 762 • 8 5 of K 10 Neither side vulnerable .
Opening leads, signaling and discarding are all covered in this basic guide to a vitally important topic.
An expert guide to playing bridge at intermediate and advanced level, with world-class tips shown in 250 photographs and diagrams
Many players know little more about the finesse other than how to handle an A-Q combination. This book covers the more complex finessing situations, including double finesses, two-way finesses, and the intra-finesse.
Bridge Cardplay Made Easy
The Hidden Side of Bridge
Unholy Tricks: More Miraculous Card Play
Having Nun, Partner?
The squel to ... 25 bridge conventions you should know--Cover.