A Mensa Puzzle Book: Or Problems, Posers, Puzzles and Pastimes for the Superintelligent
The British National Bibliography
Puzzles, Problems, and Pastimes for the Superintelligent
Contains over 1,300,000 bibliographical entries for books translated and published in over 100 countries ranging from Albania to Zimbabwe, and covering all subjects. Each bibliographical entry carries the following information:...
国立国会図書館蔵書目錄: 昭和 61年--平成 2年
国立国会図書館蔵書目錄・昭和 52--60年: Geijutsu
This edition includes an update on advances in the science of language since The Language Instinct was first published.
A collection of all-time favorites from the popular advice columnist of Parade magazine includes her responses to such questions as "Is money the root of all evil?" and "What is the essence of our America?" Reprint.
This book examines the current state of the technologically-caused unemployed, and attempts to answer the question of how to proceed into an era beyond technological unemployment.
Books in Print Supplement