Cosmic Kev

Cosmic Kev
Unidentified flying objects
Andrew Donkin, Jeff Cummins


When Kevin tells his class he's seen a UFO he's immediately branded a nut. Wishing he'd never opened his mouth, Kev sets out to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life once and for all. However, before he gets a chance to find any aliens, aliens find him Being abducted by the Technobots seems to be the answer to all his problems. His reputation as a galactic problem-solver is known the length and breadth of the universe. However, when it becomes evident they don't intend to let him go, things get serious. Luckily, a surprise rescue is on-hand, but escape isn't easy. And so the interstellar chase begins... This is a second adventure for the intrepid hero of Colour Me Crazy.

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