Lawful Pursuit: Careers in Public Interest Law
This examination of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) traces the American origins of the belief that the citizens of a democracy have a natural right to know about the...
Highlighting the role played by the Tribunal over the last 20 years in the system for the peaceful settlement of law of the sea related disputes, this volume will be...
This well-established text provides students who plan to enter government service and those engaged in mid-career education for public administration with a readable and interesting treatment of the field of...
Linking related concerns that are often treated in disparate areas of international law and practice, this ground-breaking book clearly reveals the interconnectedness in today's world of drug trafficking and political...
The authors have added problems to many sections of the text, for use as written assignments or as the basis for oral discussion. The private law subjects, including restitution, are...
我國憲法帶有濃厚的社會主義色彩,以促進民生福祉、實踐社會正義為基本原則,其追求的社會正義是一種實質平等的理念,並不滿足於禁止人為的不合理差別待遇,而是更積極地課予國家消弭或緩和這些不平等為目標。但現實的一面又是如何呢?富差距持續擴大、不公稅制、教育資源分配不均…為何社會國的實然面與應然面會有那麼大的落差?如何弭平落差,才能實踐社會正義,實現社會國的理想? 本書以「追尋社會國──社會正義之理論與制度實踐」為主題,邀集十二位不同領域的學者專家,從社會國的憲法規範基礎、社會國在不同弱勢保護領域的落實與檢驗,以及相關公共政策之批判等三大面向,由抽象到具體、理論至實踐,針對社會正義的各種相關問題進行論述,期能對社會正義的實踐提供些許助益。
There is a complex legal framework developing to meet the technological challenges of modern commercial practice. This book examines international legal developments in four broad areas: contracts for products and...
This book examines some of the most prominent contemporary theories of compliance with international law. It is argued that these theories ultimately rely on some political philosophy and that therefore...
This book offers a skilled arms-length evaluation, from a legal perspective, of the main criticisms that have been leveled recently at the key global economic organizations - that is, the...