A historical investigation into the mysterious bug that wiped out the vineyards of, first, France and then Europe in the 1860s -- and how one young botanist, who had served an apprenticeship at Kew Gardens, eventually 'saved wine for the world'. Bordeaux, inexplicably began to wither and die. Panic seized France, and Jules-Emile Planchon, a botanist from Montpellier, was sent to investigate. Magnifying glass in hand, he discovered the roots of a dying vine covered in microscopic yellow insects. The tiny aphid would be named Phylloxera vastatrix -- 'the dry leaf devastator'. Where it had come from was utterly mysterious, but it advanced with the speed of an invading army. As the noblest vineyards of France came under biological siege, the world's greatest wine industry tottered on the brink of ruin. The grand owners fought the aphid with expensive insecticide, while peasant vignerons simply abandoned their ruined plots in despair. Within a few years the plague had spread across Europe, from Portugal to the Crimea. the parasite had accidentally been imported from America. He believed that only the introduction of American vines, which appeared to have developed a resistance to the aphid, could save France's vineyards. His opponents maintained that this would merely assist the spread of the disease. Meanwhile, encouraged by the French government's offer of a prize of 300,000 gold francs for a remedy, increasingly bizarre suggestions flooded in, and many wine-growing regions came close to revolution as whole local economies were obliterated. Eventually Planchon and his supporters won the day, and phylloxera-resistant American vines were grafted onto European root-stock. Despite some setbacks -- the first fruits of transplanted American vines were universally pronounced undrinkable -- by 1914 all vines cultivated in France were hybrid Americans. of one of the earliest and most successful applications of science to an ecological disaster.
Arnold , G. W. , Campbell , N. A. , and Galbraith , K. A. , Mathematical relationships and computer routines for a model of food ... Butterworth , M. H. and Diaz , L. , Use of equations to predict the nutritive value of tropical grasses ...
本书从美术史的研究视野出发,着眼于辽金时期的考古发现、传世文物与文献史籍,考察探讨辽金皇家艺术工程中所呈现出的艺术史要素,关照多种艺术语言和视觉综合体的内在逻辑 ...
These counties were Huang Cheng County , which is in the area east of the Yellow River and which grows mainly coarse wool , and Sandan County which produces both fine wool and coarse wool . ( Huang Cheng is also the name of ...
In concurrence with other authors ( Carter & McGoldrick , 1989 ; Hartman & Laird , 1983 ; McDaniel et al . , 1990 ) , we define family as two or more people related or connected biologically , emotionally , or legally .
1 Maconochie ]R Madgwick ]C Madsen NP Mahendra K] Mahon R] Mak KP Manchanda AH Mander LN Mander STK Marasas WFO ... A1 Maunwongyathi P Mazza SM McAdam D McAlpine ]B McBride T] McCall M] McCamish M McChesney MM McClure T] McCredie RS ...
( 1990 ) exposed three cultivars of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus ) to a daily dose of 11.6 k / m biologically effective UV - B radiation in an unshaded greenhouse before and / or after inoculation with Colletotrichum laginarium ...
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL OF BIRDS Keith A. Arnold INTRODUCTION Problems arise between bird and human populations for three reasons : economics , health hazards , and nuisances . Bird populations are competing with humans for resources and ...
... park , the athletic grounds , the skating rink , the co - operative creamery , the cheese factory , the bakery and the like . Most importantly , though , the size of the administrative unit had to be enlarged through consolidation .
... by Booher in an FAO publication . Sprinklers simulate rainfall by spraying water from pipes under pressure . Localized irrigation applies water at or near the plant at a rate which is far less than the soil infiltration rate .
Fitzgerald , C.H. ( 1975 ) Early root development and anatomical parasite - host relationships of black senna with slash pine . Forest Science 21 , 239-242 . Fitzgerald , C.H. and Terrell , S. ( 1975 ) Control of Seymeria cassioides ...