A swashbuckling thriller, part three of THE HIGH SEAS ADVENTURES, set on the oceans at the turn of the nineteenth century -- drama, horror, adventure... There's pirates in the West Indies. Cannibals. They cook you alive. They shrink your head to the size of a walnut, says Mr Spencer to his son. These words will haunt sixteen-year-old John Spencer as he embarks on his first voyage to foreign lands. Carrying cargo destined for Jamaica, John and his Dragon crew set off from London for waters few of them have sailed before. When they come upon a lifeboat adrift at sea, some are wary of the sailor aboard. His name is Horn, and something about this imposing and mysterious sailor isn't right. He carries a chest full of clinking glass, and his story doesn't quite make sense. Still, John respects the stranger's awe-inspiring seamanship. With Horn on deck, both John and the ship's captain believe the Dragon is in the best of hands. But is Horn to be trusted? real -- and very dangerous -- pirate ship. Now John starts to believe his father's warnings, especially after he becomes separated from his shipmates and is stranded on an island reputed to conceal buried treasure. A place teeming with buccaneers... Brimming with furious high-seas adventure, this companion to The Wreckers and The Smugglers concludes with a bloodcurdling tale of pirates -- and a surprise ending...
Annotation. Hunter Publishing is proud to offer travelers this collection of unique titles that are not part of any series and often stand alone in their field of coverage. The...
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: A respected doctor who lives a secret double life begins losing his identity to his violent, evil side.
A guide to the Caribbean provides information on attractions, shopping, restaurants, accommodations, and beaches, and includes tips on cruising.
Ghanaian government named its shipping line the Black Star Line , after Garvey . In the Caribbean , Garvey's influence is unquestionable through his philosophy to “ teach the black man to see beauty in himself " .
Very good tour of working plantation . I Welcome drink and sample fruits of Jamaica , lunch can be included , T9722988 . Harmony Hall art gallery just east of Ocho Rios is worth a visit . There are frequent exhibitions of paintings and ...
SCBS ( Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Safety ) , 2003 : Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety , United Nations Environment Programme , Nairobi , Kenya ( in http : // www.biodiv.org/biosafety , consulted on 20 February 2003 ) .
Rum & Reggae has become the recognized guidebook to the Caribbean by in-the-know travelers, baby-boomers, as well as active and adventurous types of all ages.
Un Crucero Inolvidab by Merline Lovelace released on Sep 24, 1997 is available now for purchase.
A gazetteer details places to visit and the best time of year for travel. As this book will accompany a four-part television series to air this fall on the Travel Channel, there is sure to be demand.
It was the headquarters of Carías's war minister , Juan Manuel Gálvez , a lanky , indolent lawyer , close to the heart and purse of the fruit company . More urbane than his colleagues in the government , Gálvez had up to then kept clear ...