The ultimate guide to all things angelic from the UK's leading angel expert.
This unique compendium tells you everything you ever wanted to know about angels. Acknowledged angel expert 'The Angel Lady' offers a wealth of facts, real-life angel stories, tips, advice, angelic inspiration and background information.
This ultimate angelic guide is designed to be dipped into whenever inspiration strikes - the perfect gift for anyone wanting to know how to bring angelic wisdom and magic into their lives.
From real-life stories of angel encounters to instructions on how to communicate with your own guardian angel, this book will appeal to the serious angel investigator and the new explorer alike.
Includes quotes about angels from history and literature as well as information on:
- The different angels you will encounter
- Angel Almanac
- Healing with the angels
- Angel astrology
- Angel names and their meanings
- Hierarchy and Fallen Angels
- Angels in culture
- Working and communicating with angels
內容簡介 生活在這個瞬息萬變的世界裡,難免會有憂慮煩惱,憂慮會讓人不安,感到煩亂又無助,但是,如果不停地擔憂,人生便沒有了生氣,過分的擔憂亦會製造大量的壓力,令 ...
An acting coach and expert on improvisation explains how to adopt the attitudes and techniques used by musicians and actors, as well as the maxims of improvisational theater, to cope with the unexpected challenges of life, work, and ...
海耶斯(Lisa Hayes);蒂安娜.藍卓(Deanna Landro);朵拉.史邁格勒(Dora Smagler);羅傑.莫利納和他的吸引力沙龍全體人員;傑佛瑞.拉帕波特(Jeffrey Rapaport)醫師;美國廣播公司新聞網所有造型師和化妝師;我的健身教練暨PRX健身房老闆克里夫.
黃水晶──提升自我心靈強韌度當你覺得心靈脆弱,需要提升強韌度時,黃水晶就可以擔任療癒的角色。請將雙手呈現蓮花手印,將黃水晶放在手印裡,放在胸口前方,接著念禱詞:「親愛的觀世音菩薩,我祈請您的降臨,請您將心靈強韌的能量, ...
來自依麗莎白.克雷爾.普弗特的靈訊: 愛,這撼動整個宇宙的力量, 是進入寶瓶時代的唯一鑰匙。 來自揚升上師的祈禱文、真言、肯定語句、觀想練習…… ...
瑜伽大師斯瓦米‧拉瑪親自講授實用的修行之道 這是由聖者帕坦迦利所系統化 綜括了不同法門的教導,組成八個步驟的修行途徑 ...
印度瑜伽大師-斯瓦米‧拉瑪 帶你認識業力繩索的源頭 透過靜坐,學習控制心的所有面向, 同時在世間實踐無執之道, 就能獲得解脫。 ...
「自然界裡沒有什麼會真正死去。各種形式的生命體都在自我更新。 相較於『死亡』,『更新』才是最適合用於描述生命進程的詞。」 在年歲與癌症的步步進逼下, ...