From the author of Seven Wonders of the Industrial World, another highly anticipated TV tie-in charting the shocking but true story behind the space race - and the ruthless, brilliant scientists who fuelled it.The end of the Cold War finally reveals a generation of secrets and cover-ups, bringing a historical opportunity: the unmasking of the true heroes and villains behind the biggest race of mankind.This is one of the greatest stories in world history, beginning in the bloody throes of the Second World War and spanning through to the moon landings. With the two superpowers pitched against one another during the Cold War, this is the race to create the most powerful rocket and dominate the world, culminating in 1969's 'giant leap for mankind'. The most pioneering and high-risk experiments ever undertaken cost untold millions - and hundreds of lives as mistakes were made, some too horrific to be made public.It is a tale that plays out against a backdrop of communism and espionage. Buried within this multi-million-dollar battle between nations are the dramatic accounts of the individuals whose passion to be the winner of this dream at any cost. With ex-Nazi Wernher von Braun on the American side pitted against the enigmatic Sergei Korolev on the Soviet side, this revealing new history shows the extent to which politics and personal ambition combined to create an explosive race for the glory of victory.
... Constance, 5 October, 1970 International Astronautical Federation, P. Contensou, William F. Hilton Luigi G. Napolitano ... [ 3 ] R.C.Flanagan and V.J.Modi , Radiation forces on a flat plate in ecliptic near - Earth orbits , rans .
Book2Web, the series of books that provides a direct and purposeful connection between your classroom and the Internet. The 72 Book2Web books are organized into six strands: two in science and four in socials studies.
Herman was looking at Greg when he said , “ Have you been in this place Dean and DeLuca ? Have you checked out the prices ? Smoked . . . Scottish salmon ... thirty - three dollars a pound ? Susan and I were just in there .
See what happens when the space shuttle launches into orbit. Lift the colorful flaps to explore outer space, the International Space Station, and the shuttle.
Science Now Living in Space
Michael Collins Birthplace Rome , Italy Date of Birth October 31 , 1930 Height 5 ' 1022 " Weight 168 lbs . Eyes Brown Hair Brown Marital Status / Wife Pat Daughters Ann , Kathleen Son Michael Recreational Interests Handball , music ...
The two-volume set includes cutting-edge research and implementation of applied psychology in spaceflight. This book covers challenges of spaceflight and research related to organizational psychology and human factors.
For the US Army, TBE integrates BMDO experiments and provides technical E» programme support for the development of ... Cherry Hill. New Jersey 08034. Tel:+1 609 424-5220 Fax: +1 609 424-2022 Director: Joe Miller GRIM Corp provides ...
Follows the development of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Vostok, and Soyuz space programs and describes the contributions of scientists, astronauts, and politicians to the space effort
From left to right they are William Pickering , Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory , which built the satellite ; James Van Allen of Iowa State University , who devised Explorer's experiments ; and UE The age of satellites The ...