Returning to the territory of "Brokeback Mountain" (in her first volume of Wyoming Stories) and Bad Dirt (her second), National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize-winner Proulx delivers a stunning and visceral new collection.
Here are her collected stories, including two new works never before anthologized. These stories reverberate with rural tradition, the rites of nature, and the rituals of small-town life.
Follows the development of roads in the United States--and the new forms of transportation that used them--from the National Highway of 1805 through railroads and paved roads for bicycles and automobiles to the interstate system.
“ Oh , that is not what worries me , ” Maria answered , wiping her eyes on a white linen handkerchief . “ I have already told Dr. Angus . He is quite aware of my love for Sam . ” “ And he has agreed to marry you anyway ?
THE TOP 10 BESTSELLER A novel about friendship, romance and learning to love yourself - just the way you are.
Andrew Shaffer, thank you for putting up with hundreds of stupid questions. I'd like to promise there won't be any more, but we both know that isn't true. Season Vining, Rachel Goodman, and Karen Carroll, I never could have navigated ...
I'm Fine Just the Way I Am takes you on a deep, intimate, powerful journey as Barbara Techel explores a painful, recurring vision that plagued her for over two decades. She eventually at understanding she is worthy just as she is.
These are tough men and women who witnessed first hand tornadoes, dust storms, and the demise of the great cattle ranches. Now it's feed lots, hog farms, and ever-expanding drylands.
You made it, another day. And you can make it one more. You're doing just fine. Named after the poem that has been shared over 700,000 times on Tumblr, this is the third book from young author and songwriter Charlotte Eriksson.
She is at her best in the short story format, and the best of these are to be found in her Wyoming trilogy, in which she turns her eye on America's West--both past and present.
>§J l6 WAY “mm ITTRUE '. IT'S mmccm ASATSUKI! ... ANNA-HAN, "mmxs FOR BEING HAPPY I; if rea||y okay for me f0 59' in 'H-ui; augyiciouf place? ... YOU'RE FINE JusT THE = WAY YOU FUJISAKI— SENPAHQ) J LIST PASGING BY.