A famous photographer lying in a coma holds the key to the salvation of the world. But first he must travel back into the traumatic events of his childhood.
The author brings together the teaching of Vatican II on the sacraments with the rich tradition of sacramental theology through the centuries.
Explores the underlying meaning of Christian sacraments and how they function.
Biretta Books is proud to present this masterwork of the great Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen! These Are the Sacraments is a lucidly written presentation of the seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church.
Understanding the Sacraments is a popular guide for prayer and study of all seven sacraments, designed for use by individuals and groups. Everyday anecdotes and examples enliven the text. Questions for group discussion are appended.
Cooke reflects on the sacramental liturgies and their relation to love and freedom, reconciliation and concerned service to one another. Includes discussion questions, a bibliography, and an index.
What makes Sunday so very special to a Catholic is the Eucharist. Who makes it, then, ... Sundays are special not only to you, but also to many other people who practice their faith. The priest is instrumental in making Sunday special.
The Presence of Transcendence : Thinking “ Sacrament ” in a Postmodern Age . ... Symbol and Sacrament : A Sacramental Reinterpretation of Christian Existence . ... Lawler , Michael G. Secular Marriage , Christian Sacrament .
For a good example of comparable English Purilan reforms , see the marriage reforms in the 1552 Reformation of Ecclesiastical ... Henry Ansgar Kelly , The Matrimonial Trials of Henry VIII ( Stanford : Stanford University Press , 1976 ) ...
For all who wish to develop a eucharistic understanding of the Church and its application to issues of current debate.
This essay analyses the theological understanding of the church as a sacramental agent, and explores alternative forms of sacramantality.