The Bard meets the Backstreet Boys in "Pop Sonnets," a collection of 100 classic pop songs reimagined as Shakespearean sonnets. All of your favorite artists are represented in these pages--from Bon Jovi and Green Day to Miley Cyrus, BeyoncE, and beyond. Already a smash sensation on the Internet--the Tumblr page has 20,000+ followers--"Pop Sonnets" has been featured by the A.V. Club, BuzzFeed, and "Vanity Fair, " among many others. More than half of these pop sonnets are exclusive to this collection and have never been published in any form.
Gathers poems on a variety of subjects including love, marriage, parenthood,odern life, animals, aging, travel, work, and food.
An unrivaled, fun-filled collection of quirky poems, inspired by some of America's favorite TV shows & personalities, past & present.
Give Back My Body: Parodies, Light Verse, and Some Poems by an Aging Poetaster
... sandspur is officially a grass , But I think that it's in the wrong class . Unlike grasses such as crab , Sandspurs grab , stick and stab , As plants go it's vicious and crass . Then and Now My parents could not have envisioned the xi ...