Celebrate the 10th anniversary of this mouth-wateringly irresistible tale of a boy's insatiable hunger with this exquisite cloth-bound edition, including a letter from Oliver Jeffers and never-before-seen sketches! Henry loves books... but not like you and I. He loves to EAT books! This exciting new story follows the trials and tribulations of a boy with a voracious appetite for books. Henry discovers his unusual taste by mistake one day, and is soon swept up in his new-found passion - gorging on every delicious book in sight! And better still, he realises that the more books he eats, the smarter he gets. Henry dreams of becoming the Incredible Book Eating Boy - the smartest boy in the world! But a book-eating diet isn't the healthiest of habits, as Henry soon finds out...
Poems, Tales, Essays and Reviews Edgar Allan Poe David D. Galloway ... ... ...
Lists the current value of collectible books, and provides addresses for bookbuyers, arranged by subject speciality.
Occasionally the book has served as an important motif in folklore, and in one folk genre - the flyleaf rhyme - the book itself has become the place where folklore occurs, thus indicating a lively interaction between folk, print, and ...
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Illuminated Manuscripts and Their Makers: an Account Based on the Collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum
The Book Seller's List: A Resource Directory for Anyone Selling, Promoting Or Marketing a Book
Account of how Irish scribes and clerics saved many classical texts of Western culture during the fall of the Roman Empire
De cómo los irlandeses salvaron la civilización: la historia nunca contada de cómo los irlandeses copiaron y salvaron los manuscritos...
Um fascinante e surpreendente relato de um episódio virtualmente ignorado nos anais da civilização ocidental. Entre a queda de Roma e a ascensão de Carlos Magno - período que ficou...
Jak Irlandczycy ocalili cywilizację: nieznana historia heroicznej roli Irlandii w dziejach Europy po upadku Cesarstwa Rzymskiego